Page 85 - Experience Magazine Summer 2023
P. 85

destroyed,” Brinkman said, adding that because of that,   over the years were an early 1960s Kentucky Fried
           when a McDonald’s sign does come to auction, it is an   Chicken light-up sign with a rotating message panel
           incredibly special and rare opportunity.              that crossed the block for $27,600 (below right), a
                                                                 1960s Kentucky Fried Chicken Colonel Sanders wind
           “McDonald’s is an iconic brand that is part of the
           American experience,” he pointed out. “Everyone has   vane (lower right), a vintage McDonald’s light-up sign
           eaten at McDonald’s at some point in their life, and   (lower right) and a vintage McDonald’s “Welcome”
           it’s part of American car culture – people remember   double-sided drive-thru light-up sign (opposite page).
           loading into the car with their buddies after a baseball   Other notable sales have included a 1950s-60s Big Boy
           game and going to McDonald’s.”                        diner three-dimensional statue (lower left).
           As Americans traveled across the country by car,      Fast food chains and their iconic symbols have become
           fast food chains spread far and wide, leading many    integral to the American experience, symbolizing the
           founders to accomplish the quintessential American    nation’s love affair with cars and on-the-go lifestyles.
           dream with impressive stories and humble beginnings   From the pioneering assembly line of Henry Ford to the
           that hold up as the ideal of American success. An     advent of drive-in movies and restaurants, convenience
           example is Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of    became paramount. Fast food chains have flourished,
           Kentucky Fried Chicken, later known as KFC. Brinkman   leaving an indelible mark on American culture, car
           said that many collectors search for KFC memorabilia   culture and culinary history.
           featuring Colonel Sanders because of his success story.   Register to bid today for a chance to own one or more of
           “He was a very interesting individual that reflected the   the nostalgic pieces of automobilia that will be crossing
           American dream. He went broke several times in his    the block with No Reserve at the upcoming Las Vegas
           life. And then, in 1952, reinvented himself as Colonel   Auction, June 22-24 in the West Hall of the Las Vegas
           Sanders, started hustling chicken and grew that into an   Convention Center. (Those registered to bid on collector
           international brand.”                                 cars are automatically registered to bid on automobilia
                                                                 with no additional registration fees.)
           Among the top-selling fast food memorabilia pieces
           sold during Barrett-Jackson’s Automobilia Auction     – Nicole Ellan James

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