Page 84 - Experience Magazine Summer 2023
P. 84


                                    WHERE CAR CULTURE REIGNS SUPREME

              On December 1, 1913, Henry Ford implemented        System – it was something Americans had dreamed
              the first moving assembly line to mass-produce a   of since Detroit began building cars. Fast food was a
              vehicle. This revolutionizing concept took vehicle   natural business response to the American on-the-go
              production from more than 12 hours down to an      lifestyle that began to take hold at the time. America
              hour and 33 minutes. This led to an assembly-line   started driving more, and society began collectively
              hunger that began to rage across America. By 1921,   rearranging cities based on car travel.
              White Castle adopted this model and applied it     Having previously run a pit barbecue drive-in restaurant,
              to its first restaurant in Wichita, Kansas. The little   the McDonald brothers understood how that setup
              square hamburgers were prepared quickly in a highly   encouraged customers to linger rather than spend their
              systematized way with efficiencies built into it that   money and be on their way. While McDonald’s did
              spoke to the technological fascinations of the era.   not invent the drive-thru, they did revolutionize it in
              The goal was for the customer’s experience to be the   the post-World War II era with a stripped-down menu
              same every time they went to White Castle and that   and a streamlined cooking process. Every element was
              they would always order the same food – it was a   engineered for speed above all.
              cherished part of the experience.
                                                                 According to Barrett-Jackson Automobilia Director
              As car ownership spread across the United States,   Rory Brinkman, McDonald’s is notorious for
              drive-in movies and drive-in restaurants became all   ensuring that all their signs are destroyed when a
              the rage, taking convenience to another level. Despite   restaurant is shut down for any reason. “They don’t
              the early adaptation of the food assembly line and   want anything to tarnish their brand, and they
              drive-thrus, fast food didn’t take off until the 1950s   require the sign companies hired to take down the
              after President Eisenhower signed legislation funding   sign to send photos proving the signs having been
              the construction of the U.S. Interstate Highway

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