Page 82 - Experience Magazine Summer 2023
P. 82




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                                                                  WHITFORD HAS BEEN PLAYING BARRETT-JACKSON’S
        In the world of Barrett-Jackson’s                         FANTASY BID GAME SINCE ITS INCEPTION
        Fantasy Bid game presented by                             - - -
        Dodge, Marc Whitford has emerged
        as the ultimate champion, defying
        the odds and showcasing his         Prior to 2022, Whitford said the    “It was pretty surreal,” Whitford said
        unrivaled car expertise. As an avid   game had been in a different format   of winning the Challenger. “My wife
        car enthusiast with ownership       each time he has won. “Each one     and I went out to dinner that night,
        of over 40 cars and motorcycles     presented its own challenge,” he    and I was just in shock; I couldn’t
        under his belt, Whitford’s passion   said, adding that the first time he   really believe it. I didn’t want to get
        for vehicles shines through in his   won in 2008 the 25 Fantasy Bid     too far ahead of myself until I heard
        strategic gameplay. Fantasy Bid     vehicles were sprinkled across all of   from someone at Barrett-Jackson. I
        gives viewers and attendees the     the auction days. “They wouldn’t    was sweating a little bit until it was
        chance to participate directly in   tell you ahead of time which cars   official.” Whitford shared that the
        the auction action by guessing      were going to be in the contest, so   first place he drove the car was to his
        what the winning bids will be on    you had to commit to watching the   father-in-law’s house, because he is
        a selection of vehicles crossing the   auction for the weekend.”        an avid car guy as well.
        Barrett-Jackson block. The game
        has individual event prizes and an   Similar to today’s Fantasy Bid game,   Whitford’s success can be attributed
        overall winner that has obtained    the early version Whitford played   to his meticulous approach. Keeping
        the most points by consistently     meant bids needed to be as close as   detailed notes from previous
        guessing how much certain vehicles   they could be without going over.   auctions and staying attuned to
        will sell for at each auction.      He added that the game’s ever-      trends, he has honed his ability
                                            changing nature has only fueled his   to anticipate market fluctuations.
        Whitford has been playing Barrett-  enthusiasm, with the wide array of   However, he acknowledges that the
        Jackson’s Fantasy Bid game since its   Fantasy Bid vehicles pushing him to   world of custom vehicles remains
        inception. Over the last two decades   think outside the box. “The variety   a challenging terrain. In this realm,
        he has won three individual auction   of vehicles means you have to be   personal taste must be set aside, as
        rounds and was the overall 2022     creative in your bids, and it’s not as   the bidding landscape becomes a
        Fantasy Bid game winner, despite    easy as it looks.”                  battleground of diverse preferences.
        never having attended a Barrett-
        Jackson Auction. Throughout the     Having clinched victories in 2008,   — Barrett-Jackson salutes Marc
        years, Whitford has faced various   the 2021 Scottsdale event and the   Whitford for his dedication and
        formats and challenges in the game,   2022 Las Vegas event, Whitford    perseverance – he’s definitely got game!
        but his dedication and commitment   reached the pinnacle of success
        have remained unwavering.           as the overall winner of the 2022
                                            Fantasy Bid game. The grand prize            SCAN TO REGISTER FOR THE NEXT
                                                                                         ROUND OF FANTASY BID PRESENTED
                                            was a 2022 Dodge Challenger.                 BY DODGE

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