Page 89 - Experience Magazine Summer 2023
P. 89

One of the biggest challenges       MAR-K wood finish with a custom-    what the truck was.” Adams said he
           Adams faced while building the      mixed stain and hidden fasteners on   always wants to build more and will
           K10 was the truck’s 4x4 technology.   the stainless strips. The truck also   probably take the next project in a
           “There was a lot to learn compared   features MAR-K side trim.          different direction or focus on other
           to a two-wheel-drive truck.”        According to Adams, the only work   truck model years.
           Under the hood of the truck is a    he did not perform on the truck     For Adams, the choice to sell his
           new GM Connect & Cruise 420hp       himself was installing the dual     K10 at Barrett-Jackson was a simple
           crate LS3 engine and 6L80E          2.5-inch stainless mandrel-bent     one. “The four-wheel-drive market
           transmission backed by a rebuilt    TIG-welded Borla exhaust and        is pretty strong, but it can be hard
           NP205 transfer case. One of the     upholstering the seats, which were   finding the right high-end clientele
           most eye-catching elements of the   retrofitted with bolstered Snowden   locally. It’s kind of a slim market,
           build is the completely shaved      foam and wrapped in black leather   but a lot of people come in for
           engine bay, lacking any visible     with Relicate plaid inserts.        Barrett-Jackson, and I just felt like
           holes, and all the wiring was hidden   “I have always had different trucks,   that’s where the truck needed to go,”
           for a clean look. Adams moved the   and I have always built them in     Adams said. He added, “Barrett-
           gas tank to the rear using a Boyd   different ways,” Adams said. He     Jackson made selling the truck easy.”
           Welding aluminum tank and a         added, “I liked how this one came   Adams considers himself a Barrett-
           custom-built hidden LED taillight   together with the colors, and I feel   Jackson SuperFan and has attended
           filler door. Inside the bed is a new
                                               like the interior complemented      the Scottsdale Auction many times.
                                                                                   “It’s always fun to see everything,
                                                                                   and there’s a lot of adrenaline when
                                                                                   your truck is on the block,” Adams
                                                                                   said of his experience selling his
                                                                                   K10 with No Reserve. He added that
                                                                                   he plans to sell more vehicles at
                                                                                   Barrett-Jackson in the future.

                                                                                   For other people interested in
                                                                                   building trucks, Adams said that
                                                                                   while it is not easy, “you really can
                                                                                   do anything you want to do.” He
                                                                                   pointed out that the biggest excuse
                                                                                   he has heard is that a lot of space
                                                                                   and a shop is a requirement to build
                                                                                   vehicles. “A larger space makes it a
                                                                                   bit easier, and I have that at home
                                                                                   in Tucson (Arizona) at my parent’s
                                                                                   house, but while I am at school, I
                                                                                   just have this one-car garage, and it’s
                                                                                   just a place to work essentially.”
                                            - - -
             IT’S ALWAYS FUN TO SEE EVERYTHING,                                    Adams has already started on his
                                                                                   next build: a 1967 Chevrolet C10
               AND THERE’S A LOT OF ADRENALINE                                     - and shared that he loves building
             WHEN YOUR TRUCK IS ON THE BLOCK.                                      trucks - it’s something he will always
                                            - - -                                  continue to do throughout his life.

                                                                                   We love hearing about the many special
                                                                                   moments at our events created by people
                                                                                   who share our passion for cars. To share
                                                                                   your SuperFan story, tag us on social media
                                                                                   with #BJACSuperFan.

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