Page 88 - Experience Magazine Summer 2023
P. 88

                                                                  THE STORY OF A 1967 CHEVROLET K10
                                                                   AND A BARRETT-JACKSON SUPERFAN
        TO $242K AT AUCTION

        Editorial Note: At Barrett-Jackson, our   “I didn’t really realize what the truck   Adams shared that his dad is self-
        fans mean everything to us. They are the   truly was at the time,” Adams said   taught and has passed those skills
        driving force of our auctions. To celebrate   of the moment he texted the person   along to his brother and him. “My
        our amazing collector car community, we
        requested our #BJACSuperFans to share   selling the kayak. The truck had   brother and I have expanded off
        their favorite stories with us on social   belonged to the seller’s father, and   that and still teach ourselves and
        media. This is one of many in an ongoing   after some time negotiating, Adams   push each other.”
        series highlighting our SuperFans.
                                            made a deal and brought the truck   Before Adams ‘67 K10 build, he
        Tyler Adams, a 21-year-old civil    back to his one-car garage in early   had completed five other vehicles.
        engineering major in his junior     February 2022. The factory short-   With each vehicle, Adams’ goal
        year at Arizona State University,   bed 1967 Chevrolet K10 is one of    has been to continuously improve
        participated in SEMA’s Battle of    just 1,046 produced that year.      his work’s quality and reach new
        the Builders Young Guns category    “My dad has been building vehicles   perfection levels.
        with his 1967 Chevrolet K10 pickup   since he was 16 as a hobby,” Adams
        truck that he later sold during the   said. “I started helping him in the   The complete frame-off nut-and-bolt
        2023 Scottsdale Barrett-Jackson     garage when I was around 12 years   restoration began by taking the K10
        Auction for $242,000.                                                   down to bare metal and completely
                                            old with minibikes and then cars.   reworking the body to perfect the
        Adams frequently browses sites like   My younger brother is also into it,   door gaps for a high-end finish. In his
        Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist    so it’s kind of a family hobby that   garage, Adams painted the truck from
        and OfferUp. One day, he came       we all do. We each have our own     top to bottom with Sherwin-Williams
        across an ad for a kayak on OfferUp;   different projects.”             base coat/clear coat Cement Gray
        in the background was a 1967                                            accented by Linen White.
        Chevrolet K10 pickup.

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