Page 171 - Experience Magazine Winter 2023
P. 171

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              provides lots of dynamic options   6. BARRETT-JACKSON                 you have only ever seen photos
              for a selfie, as cars will be on both   PERFORMANCE TRACK             of and now get to stand next to
              the lower and upper levels.        If you have a need for speed, the   in real life. Either way, it’s worth
                                                 Barrett-Jackson Performance Track   capturing that special once-in-a-
              5. PRE-STAGING LANES
              The pre-staging lanes offer an     is the ideal place to take a selfie.   lifetime moment because you may
              excellent opportunity for video    Standing at the top of the stairs near   never get to see that car again!
              selfies, as this is the best spot to see   the track will allow you to capture   And when you’re ready to post,
              – and hear – the auction cars drive   an overview of the entire area. You   use #BJAC, #BJACSuperFan or
              by as they make their way toward   can also sign up for a ride and snap   @Barrett_Jackson for the chance
              the staging lanes and get ready to   a few action photos or a video selfie   to have your photo shared by
              cross the block. The best part is   while in the passenger seat of a high-  Barrett-Jackson.
              you don’t need special credentials   performance car as a professional
              to get up close to the cars in this   driver rips you around the track.
              area. The pre-staging lanes also   7. NEXT TO YOUR FAVORITE CAR
              offer a great opportunity to get the   One of the best places to take a
              enormous tents in the background   selfie is next to your favorite car. It
              for some truly impressive selfies.   could be a dream car, or something

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