Page 168 - Experience Magazine Winter 2023
P. 168

Your mom’s Supra. Your older                                                Vegas Auction, which also set
        brother’s Nissan. The popular                                               a world auction record with its
        guy in high school’s ride. The                                              $36,300 sale.
        cheer captain’s convertible. Fast                                           Among the other desirable JDM
        & Furious icons. These may all                                              vehicles gaining popularity over
        sound like answers to a category                                            recent years at Barrett-Jackson
        on the “Family Feud” game show,                                             is the Datsun 240Z. A 1972
        but they also fit the description                                           Datsun 240Z sold in 2019
        of cars you will see at the Future                                          at the Scottsdale Auction for
        Collector Car Show, January 22                                              $67,100; recently the same car
        on the Polo Field at WestWorld                                              brought in $88,000 at the 2022
        during the Barrett-Jackson 2023                                             Houston Auction. While this
        Scottsdale Auction.               COMING                                    example is considered a Resto-

        FCCS serves as a manifestation                                              Mod since it is powered by a
                                                                                    GM LS V8 engine with over 400
        first installment in the Fast &  IN HOT                                     examples remains strong.
        of burgeoning trends within
                                                                                    horsepower, love for original
        the automotive industry,
        particularly when it comes to
                                                                                    During the 2019 Las Vegas
        the sport compact segment
        of vehicles. Thanks to the
                                                                                    Auction, a 1972 Datsun 240Z
        Furious movie franchise, the                                                crossed the block for $23,100;
                                                                                    the sale was followed by
        sport compact scene became      SEE FUTURE TRENDS COME TO LIFE AT FCCS      another 1972 example at the
        mainstream and brought                                                      2021 Las Vegas Auction for
        vehicles no one in the United                                               $33,000, with yet another 1972
        States had really heard of or seen, like the R34 Nissan   model eclipsing it, selling for $34,100. An additional
        Skyline and S15 Nissan Silvia, into the limelight. To this   JDM marque gaining significant attention is the Acura
        day, these two examples remain forbidden fruit due to   NSX. In 2019 at the Las Vegas Auction a 1992 model sold
        the country’s infamous “25-year import rule.”         for $29,700, followed by the sale of another 1992 NSX at
                                                              the 2022 Las Vegas Auction for $58,300.
        That said, time is running out on this rule and some
        vehicles previously unattainable in the U.S. due to the   Those in attendance at FCCS on the Polo Field at
        Imported Vehicle Safety Compliance Act of 1988 –      WestWorld will be able to enjoy a variety of vehicles
        which banned the import of vehicles under 25 years old   ranging from highly modified custom builds to original
        that didn’t comply with American safety and emissions   and incredibly preserved rides like those mentioned
        regulations – are starting to arrive. One such vehicle, a   above. Vehicles on the show field will also range from
        1996 Toyota Chaser Tourer V, became legal to import   JDM and European marques to modern muscle and
        into the United States in January 2022 and will be seen   everything in between, effectively creating an experience
        on the show field at FCCS.                            where generations of vehicle owners can find common
        While Fast & Furious is the easiest to point to and say,   ground in their love of future collectibles.
        “Look what it did for car culture,” influencers are also   To identify other future collector cars outside of the Fast
        playing a hand in further popularizing some of the    & Furious movies, those that may not have been on
        more mundane vehicles already in the United States.   posters hanging up in children’s rooms 20 or 30 years
        For example, Tyler Hoover, a “Barrett-Jackson LIVE”   ago, all one has to do is attend the Future Collector Car
        on-air commentator and popular American YouTuber      Show and see for themselves where younger enthusiasts
        with more than 1.4 million followers on his “Hoovie’s   are pouring their passion. This family-friendly, one-day,
        Garage” channel, sold his 1990 Mazda MX5 Miata        concours-style event, presented by Meguiar’s, features
        convertible at the 2022 Houston Auction for a new     vehicles that best represent the future of the collector
        world auction record sale price of $27,500. KARR,     car hobby, with the goal of celebrating the cars we love
        another popular YouTuber with over 30,000 subscribers,   today and the future collectibles of tomorrow.
        offered his internet-famous 1999 Mazda Miata custom   – Nicole Ellan James
        convertible, better known as “Hell Kitty,” at the 2019 Las

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