Page 170 - Experience Magazine Winter 2023
P. 170

Instagram and the internet
             have certainly changed the
            way we chronicle our lives –
           we all know the saying: “Pics
             or it didn’t happen!” – and

            what better way to share the
          fun things you are doing than
             to post those pics on social
            media. As we gear up for the
            2023 Scottsdale Auction, we                 6

           have put together a list of the
         very best places to snap a selfie
            while you are at the auction

            so you can spend more time
          enjoying all there is to see and
            do and less time looking for
                that picture-perfect spot.

        1. BJAC LETTERS                     automobilia display, adjacent to    says “I was at Barrett-Jackson” better
        The display of giant red BJAC letters   the auction arena, will have some   than a photo with the world-famous
        is one of the most Instagrammable   gorgeous neon signage. Snap a       auction block in the background.
        spots at the auction site. Fun      photo next to your favorite brand   To get the best photo, stand at the
        fact: The letters stand for Barrett-  or stand with them all in the     back of the room so you can get the
        Jackson Auction Company, not an     background – either way the glow    block and the enormous American
        abbreviation of Barrett-Jackson. They   from the lights is sure to give your   flag hanging over it in the frame.
        will be conveniently located right at   selfie a moody vibe with an extra-  4. SOUTH SHOWCASE
        the entrance – after you get through   special background glow your     If custom cars are your jam, then
        security, but before you enter the   followers won’t be able to look    snapping a selfie in the South
        tents. Be sure to share the fun fact   away from.                       Showcase is an absolute must.
        and use #BJAC to get all the likes.
                                            3. AUCTION ARENA                    Starting on Sunday, January 22, all
        2. AUTOMOBILIA DISPLAY              The auction arena is without a      50 vehicles selected to compete for
        Neon attracts the human eye with    doubt the most iconic spot to snap   the coveted Barrett-Jackson Cup will
        an allure that few other forms      a selfie. After all, it’s always on TV   be on display in the South Showcase
        of light can command, and the       and is the main attraction. Nothing   throughout the event. The space

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