Page 167 - Experience Magazine Winter 2023
P. 167

allowed us to set up a broadcast
           table right in the middle of all the
           bidding, in the arena. We couldn’t
           hear one another; we had to read
           each other’s lips because of all the
           noise. But it was great TV!”
           Meguiar’s has remained steadfastly                                      RICK DeBRUHL
           at Barrett-Jackson’s side since those                                   Two Decades On The Air
           early days, even during the uncertain                                   With Barrett-Jackson
           times in the mid-1990s, when both
           Barrett-Jackson co-founder Russ
           Jackson and his son Brian succumbed
           to colon cancer and Craig Jackson
           took the reins of the company. “Craig
           had shared his dreams with me,” says
           Meguiar. “I could see his vision and
           went back to our team and said, ‘He’s
           going to pull this off, and I want to
           be a part of it. We’re going to be there   Rick DeBruhl has always been a car   DeBruhl admits his favorite aspect
           for him.’”                             guy. In fact, he said he started out   of covering the Barrett-Jackson
                                                  as a “car kid” – to the extent of even   auctions is, first and foremost, the
           And be there he has. Meguiar’s is      having car-themed wallpaper in his   car people. “I couldn’t imagine a
           Barrett-Jackson’s longest-running      childhood bedroom. He spent two   better job than getting to talk to
           sponsor, and it’s hard to imagine      hours a day in his high school’s auto   fellow car enthusiasts about their
           an event without the company’s         shop and worked as a mechanic     vehicles and learning about the
           presence there. “Words can’t           through college before eventually   stories behind them,” he said.
           express how grateful I am to Barry     becoming one of the voices of
           for aligning his company’s vision      Barrett-Jackson’s live TV coverage.   His most memorable moments
           with ours for so many years,” says                                       include being on the auction
           Barrett-Jackson Chairman and           He first attended a Barrett-Jackson   stage with such huge automotive
           CEO Craig Jackson. “They are an        event around 1980, and still      icons like Carroll Shelby and Dan
           integral part of our auctions, and     has a ticket and catalog from     Gurney, as well as celebrities like
           Barry has been an incredible source    a 1985 auction. It wasn’t until   Alice Cooper and Jay Leno, who
           of encouragement and support for       2003, though, that DeBruhl        are incredibly knowledgeable
           both me personally and also for        began working with The World’s    about cars. DeBruhl said he has
           Barrett-Jackson over the years.”       Greatest Collector Car Auctions.   also had amazing opportunities to
                                                  He was initially asked to fill in as   meet some of the true greats in the
           In yet another show of support of      a commentator on the auction      industry through Barrett-Jackson,
           Jackson and the auction company        block if another on-air personality   including journalists like Brock
           – and in alignment with the            couldn’t make it. One time,       Yates and Bob Varsha.
           companies’ mutual desire to attract    when the originally scheduled
           even more people to the collector      personality was able to be there   “I’m very thankful I’ve had the
           car hobby – Meguiar’s eagerly signed   after all, the producer asked     opportunity to learn over the
           on as the presenting sponsor of the    DeBruhl to provide a “sneak peek”   years from people who made
           Future Collector Car Show (FCCS)       at the cars lining up in the staging   such a significant impact on the
           that will take place on the Polo Field   lanes instead, giving the television   broadcast and journalism side of
           at WestWorld on Sunday, January        audience a glimpse at the         the automotive world,” he said.
           22, during the 2023 Barrett-Jackson    vehicles soon to cross the block   Barrett-Jackson is honored to have
           Scottsdale Auction. Be sure to check   – something that had never been   Rick DeBruhl, with his unique
           out the Meguiar’s rig on-site at the   done before. “As it turned out,”   automotive insights and instant
           auction and visit them on the Polo     he said, “it was something people   rapport with enthusiasts, be part
           Field at the FCCS!                     liked – they really wanted to know   of the on-air team.

           – Barbara Toombs                       what car was coming next.”

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