Page 94 - Experience Magazine Fall 2023
P. 94



         Following the exciting September 28-30 New Orleans   Case of Benjamin Button.” Since 1969, it has held the
         Auction, what better way to celebrate your winning   esteemed title, as recognized by the Guinness World
         bid than by taking your newly acquired collector   Records, of being the longest bridge over continuous
         car for a Sunday spin? Situated just 9 miles from the   water worldwide. Both the north- and southbound
         New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center lies   bridges are supported by an impressive array of 9,500
         the entrance to the Northward Lake Pontchartrain   concrete pilings. A journey across the bridge in a single
         Causeway. This remarkable raised highway stretches   direction typically takes approximately 30 minutes.
         over 24 miles, spanning Lake Pontchartrain, and    Lake Pontchartrain is an expansive brackish estuary
         serves as the connection between Metairie, a suburb   that boasts a unique blend of slightly salty water
         of New Orleans, and the historic community of      due to its connection with various Northshore rivers,
         Mandeville, Louisiana.
                                                            bayous and the Gulf of Mexico through the Rigolets
         The causeway initially welcomed its first visitors in   Strait and Lake Borgne. Covering approximately 630
         1956 and subsequently celebrated a second grand    square miles, this remarkable body of water spans
         opening in 1969. Throughout the years, the causeway   around 40 miles from east to west and 24 miles from
         has emerged as an iconic structure, garnering      north to south. Its average depth ranges between 12
         mentions in various books, songs and even making   and 14 feet, making it a notable aquatic environment.
         appearances in notable films such as “The Curious

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