Page 90 - Experience Magazine Fall 2023
P. 90

SIPPING                                                                 LITTLE KNOWN TO MANY

                                                                                AND AN INTERESTING FACT:
                                                                                The origins of soda fountains can
                 SODA                                                           be traced back to pharmacies. Today
                                                                                when you think of soda fountains, a
                                                                                plethora of images rushes to mind:
                                                                                the colossal 44-ounce Big Gulp
                                                                                available at 7-Eleven, the drink
                           A QUICK HISTORY OF                                   dispenser at your cherished fast-
                                                                                food joint and perhaps gleaming
                           SODA FOUNTAINS                                       stainless-steel counters with a ’50s
                           AND THEIR                                            diner vibe. Remarkably, from the
                           COLLECTIBILITY                                       early 20th century until the 1960s,
                                                                                both city dwellers and small-town
                                                                                residents relished carbonated
                                                                                beverages at local soda fountains
                                                                                found mainly inside drug stores.
                                                                                Soda’s origin is medicinal,
                                                                                stemming from naturally
                                                                                carbonated waters found in volcanic
                                                                                springs. Due to transportation
                                                                                challenges, only pharmacies initially
                                                                                stocked it. Its effervescent properties
                                                                                made it a prescribed remedy
                                                                                for stomach issues. Researchers,
                                                                                fascinated by its lack of side effects,
                                                                                explored and recreated the process
                                                                                of dissolving chemical compounds
                                                                                of gas bubbles in water, leading to
                                                                                the soda we know today.
                                                                                The first application of creating
                                                                                man-made carbonated water can
                                                                                be traced back to 1767, when an
                                                                                Englishman discovered the process
                                                                                using yeast, though the term
                                                                                “soda water” was not coined until
                                                                                1798. Over time, the imitation
                                                                                of carbonated mineral waters
                                                                                advanced, transitioning to a blend
                                                                                of sodium bicarbonate and tartaric
                                                                                acid in water. To enhance the drink’s
                                                                                taste, fruit juices and artificial flavors
                                                                                were later incorporated.
                                                                                In the quest for mass-producing
                                                            SOLD! LAS VEGAS 2023   artificially carbonated water,
                                                1950s STAINLESS-STEEL SODA FOUNTAIN     cost-effective methods remained
                                                            IN COCA-COLA REGALIA   elusive until 1832 when a British-
                                                                      $80,500   born inventor introduced an
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