Page 92 - Experience Magazine Fall 2023
P. 92

makes them highly sought-after      sipped on strawberry sodas at the
        collectibles. During the 2023 Las   fountain in the play “Our Town,”
        Vegas Auction, a 1950s stainless-   it was a place of courtship in the
        steel soda fountain in Coca-Cola    1919 movie “True Heart Susie,” and
        regalia sold for $80,000. Other     Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland
        examples include a 1960s Bastian    flirted over sodas in the 1938 film
        Blessing Soda Fountain with         “Love Finds Andy Hardy.” The soda
        custom-built bar for $18,975 and    fountain at Schwab’s Pharmacy
        a beautifully restored 1950’s soda   in Hollywood (featured in the
        fountain bar fully equipped with    1950 film “Sunset Boulevard,”
        all the period restored accessories   among others) became legendary
        for $17,250.                        for attracting young stars-in-the-
        Soda fountains often come with      making hoping to get noticed by
        branded items like glassware,       film industry executives. While the
        signs, menus and syrup dispensers,   story goes that actress Lana Turner
        adding to their appeal as a treasure   was “discovered” at Schwab’s soda
        trove of collectible memorabilia.   fountain in 1937, that discovery     SOLD! SCOTTSDALE 2022 –
                                                                                 1917 HAMILTON BEACH SODA FOUNTAIN
        Examples from past automobilia      actually occurred at another soda    MALT MIXER – $2,070
        auctions include a fun 1950s        fountain down the street, across
        Soda Fountain triple head Multi-    from Hollywood High School,
        Mixer for Malts/Shakes and a 1917   where the 16-year-old was a student.  Auction offers items that conjure
        Hamilton Beach soda fountain        Without a doubt, soda fountains     up images of the past with various
        malt mixer.                         represent a significant part of     soda fountain memorabilia.
        The soda fountain’s association with   American cultural history, serving   Visitors to Barrett-Jackson’s
        classic movies, TV shows and images   as gathering places, social hubs   inaugural New Orleans Auction in
        from the past further enhances their   and symbols of a bygone era.     September can channel that old-
        iconic pop culture status. People   Each Barrett-Jackson Automobilia    time soda fountain vibe at the Jeri
                                                                                Nims Soda Shop, located within
                                                                                the National WWII Museum on
                                                                                the corner of Magazine Street and
                                                                                Andrew Higgins Drive. Providing
                                                                                a glimpse back in time with its
                                                                                retro charm, the soda shop offers
                                                                                breakfast, sandwiches and sweet
                                                                                treats and is a fitting complement
                                                                                to the fascinating museum.
                                                                                Join Barrett-Jackson in New
                                                                                Orleans, September 28-30 at the
                                                                                Ernest N. Morial Convention
                                                                                Center and register to bid today.
                                                                                Automobilia bidder registration
                                                                                is $50 and bidders registered to
                                                                                purchase vehicles are automatically
                                                                                enrolled to bid on automobilia
                                                                                with no additional registration fee.
                                                                                – Nicole Ellan James
                                                                                For the inaugural New Orleans automobilia
                                                                                docket, visit

         SOLD! SCOTTSDALE 2015 – 1950s SODA FOUNTAIN BAR – $17,250

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