Page 91 - Experience Magazine Fall 2023
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apparatus capable of producing      contained drugs like cocaine        contributed to their increasing
           significant quantities. Soda        and caffeine, used for headache     popularity. Preservative-free soda
           fountains continued to evolve and   treatment. The Harrison Narcotics   syrup, with flavors extracted from
           were transformed into visually      Tax Act of 1914 banned cocaine in   natural fruits, created tastes like
           appealing apparatuses, combining    “over-the-counter” products.        Orange Crush and Cherry Smash,
           functionality with style. They      During the same period, egg-based   becoming common in local
           became a crucial investment for     beverages became highly popular     drugstores. Syrup companies offered
           every pharmacy.                     at soda fountains, particularly egg   free syrup dispensers to pharmacists

           In 1863, the first patent was issued   phosphates, which were a favorite   in exchange for advertising.
           for a marble soda fountain and ice   among customers. These creamy      Additionally, major companies like
           shaver. This eye-pleasing apparatus,   drinks were created by combining   Coca-Cola and Pepsi provided soda
           made of white Italian marble, onyx   soda water, raw egg, phosphate     dispensers to pharmacies at no cost.
           and glistening brass with large     and flavored syrup, resulting in a   While they were popular with all
           mirrors, was housed in a miniature   delightful concoction. Alongside   Americans, teenagers frequented
           cottage. By 1875, soda fountains had   the egg phosphates, milkshakes   soda fountains the most. The stars
           become widespread across America,   (originally made with carbonated    of the show were soda jerks – so-
           becoming integral to the culture.   water, sweetened flavored milk      named for the way they jerked the
           The intense competition among       and a raw egg) and ice cream        handles used to extract fruit syrups
           pharmacies and confectionary        sodas (flavored soda water with a   from the pumps – who held court
           shops led to the creation of perfect   scoop of vanilla ice cream) also   behind the counter, making the
           drinks at the lowest prices to attract   gained popularity.             sometimes-complicated creations
           customers. During peak summers,     By the early 1920s, soda fountains   for the patrons – anything from
           sales at individual shops sometimes   were prevalent in almost every    a Brown Cow (basically a root
           reached over a thousand glasses of   drugstore. The onset of prohibition   beer float with chocolate syrup)
           soda per day.                       in 1919 led to the closure of bars,   to a Lime Rickey (a mix of lime
           Interestingly, in the early days    driving people to seek socialization   juice, fruit or sugar syrup, as well
           of soda fountains, drinks often     at soda fountains, which            as seltzer – a descendant of its
                                                                                   alcoholic forefather) to a Catawba
                                                                                   Flip (vanilla ice cream, egg, grape
                                                                                   juice and seltzer).
                                                                                   Soda fountains reached their
                                                                                   iconic look in the 1950s,
                                                                                   embracing streamlined designs
                                                                                   with stainless steel or marble
                                                                                   flat-tops. They featured distinctive
                                                                                   fixtures like checkered floors and
                                                                                   leather booths. To attract more
                                                                                   customers, especially teenagers,
                                                                                   jukeboxes playing rock ’n’ roll
                                                                                   music were added, making soda
                                                                                   fountains an edgier and more
                                                                                   appealing place to spend time.
                                                                                   At Barrett-Jackson’s automobilia
                                                                                   auctions, soda fountains are
                                                                                   celebrated for their nostalgia,
                                                                                   holding sentimental value for
                                                                                   those who remember their heyday.
            SOLD! LAS VEGAS 2015 – 1960s BASTIAN BLESSING SODA FOUNTAIN – $18,975  Their unique and iconic design

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