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While big-block American                                             LOT #1357 - 1987 BUICK GNX – NO RESERVE
        performance cars were virtually
        regulated into extinction by the             SPOOLED UP
        early 1970s, GM’s Buick division
        staunchly held the line through the
        shift from the A-body Skylark GS
        (Gran Sport) to the Colonnade-style            THE 1987 GNX WAS THE PEAK OF BUICK TURBO V6 PERFORMANCE, AND THIS
        Century GS455 of 1973-74, the                LOW-MILEAGE EXAMPLE WILL BE OFFERED WITH NO RESERVE IN SCOTTSDALE
        last of Buick’s large-displacement
        performance cars. While the fabled   for 1981 and 1982; to celebrate, a   produced were purchased new by
        GS was indeed still available for   small number of Grand National      ardent collectors, and this GNX is
        1975, albeit with small block or    Edition Regals were offered in 1982.   no exception, offered at Scottsdale
        carbureted V6 power plants and      The Grand National name returned    with under 70 miles from new at
        delivering more bark than bite,     to the Regal line for 1984 and with   the time of writing.
        Buick’s engineering wizards were    steady grooming, power reached 245
        already hard at work developing     horsepower, with the Grand National   Benefiting from excellent
        the future of high-performance      reigning as America’s quickest      preservation, this 1987 Buick GNX
        cars - with a radical infusion of   performance car for 1986-87.        was formerly owned by Nicola
        turbocharged V6 power. A special                                        Bulgari, the jewelry magnate and
        455-powered Century with T-Tops     All good things come to an end      renowned Buick collector, who
        and “Free Spirit” graphics sufficed   eventually and while G-body       purchased the car in June 2007.
        for duty as the Official Pace Car   production was initially slated     As a major supporter of Tacoma,
        for the 1975 Indianapolis 500, but   to cease in mid-1987, Buick        Washington’s Le May Automobile
        much more was yet to come.          management approved two             Museum, Bulgari naturally had this
                                            prototypes of “the Regal to end     GNX on display there during part
        In 1976, Buick was once again       all Regals” by July 1986. Dubbed    of his ownership of the car. The
        selected to provide the Official    “GNX,” these new super-Buicks       consignor, a drag racer and fellow
        Pace Car for the Indianapolis       were completed by ASC/McLaren,      Buick collector, acquired the GNX
        500, and this back-to-back          builders of 24-valve Buick turbo    in mid-August 2009, keeping it in
        appearance marked the first time a   V6 engines for IndyCar racing.     climate-controlled condition as
        manufacturer paced the legendary    Special features included a high-   part of his Arizona-based collection
        race for two consecutive years since   performance Garrett turbocharger,   ever since. Titled in Arizona with
        1913-14. The 1976 Buick Century     improved intercooler, revised engine   actual miles consistent with the
        pace car made history as the first   and transmission calibrations, and   odometer reading below 70 miles
        with V6 power and it was an         low-restriction exhaust. Output     and supported by service records
        unqualified technical tour de force   jumped substantially to a factory-  and correspondence this GNX is
        with a turbocharged 231cubic-inch   claimed and possibly underrated     incredibly well-preserved and original
        engine rated at 307 horsepower.     276 horsepower with 360 ft/lbs      throughout. Accompanied by the
        Most importantly, this high-profile   of torque, delivering stunning    still-affixed Window Sticker, this 1987
        effort served notice that Buick     0-60 mph acceleration, usually      Buick GNX is a virtual time warp
        would be a force to be reckoned     in the 4.5-second range. Larger     to the days it was new, at the height
        with in the brave new performance-  tires, special alloy wheels, a rear-  of North America’s 1980s return to
        car world for years to come.
                                            axle torque arm, Panhard bar and    factory-built performance cars. As it
        Following Indy, turbo V6            stiffer underpinnings handled the   crosses the block with No Reserve at
        development continued and reached   heightened power of the GNX.        Scottsdale, however, it will be driving
        production reality by 1978 with     Front-fender vents, special analog   toward a bright new future.
        the new G-body Regal. Its chiseled   instruments and a gloss black paint   – David C. Neyens
        bodylines were perfect for stock-car   finish completed the package,    For up-to-date information on this vehicle,
        competition and helped Buick win    which brought the MSRP to nearly    visit
        the NASCAR Manufacturer’s title     $30,000. Many of the 547 cars

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        116       BARRETT-JACKSON EXPERIENCE       WINTER 2022
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