Page 90 - Experience Magazine Spring 2022
P. 90

hammer sold for $500,000, and Mrs. Mauzy added an     important to sell the car at Barrett-Jackson. I was able to
        additional $200,000, bringing the total amount raised   get a lot of publicity from the experience.”
        for the two charities to $700,000.
                                                              Operation Homefront experienced similar post-auction
        “The exposure also has been unbelievable,” said Ashley   benefits. “We saw nearly $1 million in publicity value
        Brown, founder and CEO of Selfless Love (top left     related to the hundreds of stories shared in many
        Ed and Ashley Brown, Pitbull, Eloise and John Paul    American and international media markets,” Brig. Gen.
        DeJoria). “Our website views alone jumped 175% the    Pray said. “That kind of publicity helps us reach not
        night of the event, and our social media plat-forms grew   only those who may be interested in supporting our
        a ton. You can’t put a number on the long-term impact   important work but also those military families who
        Barrett-Jackson and the Barrett-Jackson community have   may need our help.”
        on these charities all over the U.S.”                 More than $8.8 million was raised by the sale of official

        Also making an appearance on the block was rock star   charity vehicles for 12 worthy nonprofits during Barrett-
        and longtime Barrett-Jackson friend Bret Michaels (top   Jackson’s 50th Anniversary celebration. The 2022
        right with two Barrow Neurological Foundation nurses)   Scottsdale Auction also saw an amazing unplanned
        who helped support the sale of a 1973 De Tomaso       moment of generosity. To encourage bidding on a 1963
        Pantera. The $155,000 raised benefited The Barrow     Chevrolet Corvette custom split-window coupe, Barrett-
        Neurological Foundation, an organization near and dear   Jackson friends Jen and Greg Holmes of the Holmes
        to the musician, who credits Barrow with saving his life   Family Trust matched the sale price of $500,000. These
        following a brain hemorrhage.                         added funds were donated to Barrett-Jackson Charities’
                                                              Driven Hearts campaign, which has raised millions of
        Gigi Garner (lower right), daughter of the late actor
        James Garner, knew that selling her dad’s beloved     dollars and incredible awareness for the American Heart
        Cadillac CTS was the best way to raise money for the   Association.
        James Garner Animal Rescue Fund, the animal welfare   From being on the action-packed auction block to the
        charity she founded in her father’s memory. “The Fund   media fanfare that follows, Barrett-Jackson’s charity car
        isn’t a large organization. I’m just one person doing   auctions are win-win situations for everyone involved.
        everything by myself,” she said. “That’s why it was

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