Page 89 - Experience Magazine Spring 2022
P. 89

athlete was front and center on the block, cheering on   excitement in the audience is phenomenal. For us to be a
           the bidders. “This type of support is life-changing,” she   beneficiary of that is really exhilarating,” he said.
           said. “These funds will go directly to help Paralympic   Shelby also joined NASCAR driver Aric Almirola (lower
           athletes train, have proper equipment and have access   right) to sell Almirola’s personal 1965 Shelby Cobra 427
           to the best coaching.”                                S/C CSX. “It was a huge adrenaline rush being up there,”
           The Tundras, a Capstone Hybrid Crewmax pickup         Almirola said. “And when I was told that every dollar
           VIN 001 and a TRD Pro Crewmax pickup 002, sold for    raised would go to the Mayo Clinic, it made me that
           $700,000 and $550,000, respectively, with 100% of the   much more excited.
           hammer price going to the Toyota U.S. Paralympic Fund.
                                                                 Rounding out the Ford vehicles that crossed the block
           Ford donated two amazing vehicles: a 2022 Ford        for charity was a 1968 Mustang custom fastback, which
           Shelby GT500KR First Production, which raised         raised $1 million for the Shock Trauma Air Rescue
           $700,000 for the Carroll Shelby Foundation and JDRF,   Services (STARS) Foundation.
           and a 2021 Ford Bronco “Bronco 66” First Edition      When Barrett-Jackson announced that Grammy Award-
           Model, which sold for $500,000 to benefit the Pope    winning artist Pitbull would accompany a custom 2022
           Francis Center in Detroit.                            Karma GS-6 at the 2022 Scottsdale Auction, the media
           Aaron Shelby, co-president of the Foundation and      attention was over-whelming, shining a spotlight on
           grandson of Carroll Shelby, was on-hand to introduce   Selfless Love Foundation and The SLAM Foundation,
           the GT500KR. “Every time we do these auctions, the    both of which help underserved youth. The Karma

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