Page 9 - Barrett-Jackson_FirstLook_Fall2020
P. 9

just reinforced that we’re going down                            Resto-Mods, which today is one of the
             the right path and are working hard                              most successful segments in the auction
             to get everything in place while                                 world, particularly on our stage. We’re
             complying with city, state and federal                           excited to not only involve the people
             guidelines.                                                      who have long loved the custom car
                                                                              world, but – more importantly – also
             There was unparalleled consignment
             activity from the day we announced the                           expand that community to people who
             event. Early on we lined up virtually                            potentially have never been involved in
             something for everybody, which is a                              this segment of the hobby before.
             signature of any Barrett-Jackson auction. Supercars?   Where, other than at Barrett-Jackson, are builders
             You bet – including an incredible Lexus LFA and a    going to get the opportunity to showcase the fruits
             2018 Ford GT. We’ve got a beautiful lineup of muscle   of their labor, their craftsmanship and their talent,
             cars, including an awesome 1970 HEMI ’Cuda. Resto-   to a fresh, new audience? Expanding the custom car
             Mods – some of the finest we’ve ever seen at Barrett-  segment to people around the world, who haven’t
             Jackson. You name it, we have it. So there will be no   necessarily been involved before, is really the goal of
             lack of enthusiasm and no lack of quality going across   the Barrett-Jackson Cup.
             the auction block – and I guarantee you there will be   While our “Road to 50” has encountered a lot of
             no lack of excitement that all this is going to generate.  detours, the Barrett-Jackson Cup competition at our
             To add to the excitement, and again reinforce why    flagship Scottsdale Auction in 2021 will set the stage
             Scottsdale is Scottsdale, we are in the incredible   for an incredible return of this prestigious award.
             position to announce something very near and         With the anticipation for our Fall Auction continuing
             dear to my heart – the return of the Barrett-Jackson   to build, as well as adding the Cup to the calendar, I
             Cup. First introduced in 2013, the Cup competition   and the entire Barrett-Jackson family look forward to
             crowned three consecutive Ultimate Best of Show      creating excitement not only for those in attendance
             champions before taking a hiatus until the perfect   and online – but also for our new television audience
             opportunity for its return presented itself – and    on FYI and History.
             what better time than now! It will be an amazing
             opportunity for all the top builders in the country   As we continue to carefully navigate this new world
             to showcase their masterful works of art and vie for   of live auctions, our passion and dedication to
             what was and will again be one of the most coveted   bringing you the finest and most exciting events in
             awards in the collector car hobby.                   the world will only continue to intensify.

             The Cup brings together a segment of the car culture
             Barrett-Jackson embraced long ago: customs and

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