Page 5 - Barrett-Jackson_FirstLook_Fall2020
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great example of federal, state and local governments
           working together to get businesses back to work.
           The Fall Auction will actually be what I call a “hybrid”
           – a combination of a live in-person and online auction,       - - -
           utilizing our new, more streamlined online bidding            When he wasn’t helping out our dad and Tom Barrett at
           platform (see “Bidding Mile Markers,” page 12). There         auction time, he could often be found on the racetrack.
           may be those who want to come to the auction for just         I remember that Brian was among the first to become
           one day to look at the vehicles in person, but perhaps
           bid online or by phone during the entire event. Or stay       involved in vintage sports car racing in the mid-1970s.
           all three days! The Fall Auction schedule will allow          - - -
           ample time in the evenings to enjoy some of the relaxing   REMEMBERING BRIAN JACKSON
           activities and world-class dining for which Scottsdale is
           known (see “Scottsdale After Dark,” page 96).
                                                                        REFLECTING ON MY BROTHER’S LEGACY
           An exciting new auction layout will be in place that I’m
           confident will not only make attendees feel comfortable,      It’s hard to believe it’s been 25 years since
           but will also provide the same great Barrett-Jackson          the passing of my brother Brian (above
           experience you’ve come to know and love.                      right). As one of the founding members of
           I’m incredibly grateful to have received the support of       Barrett-Jackson, he had a huge impact on the
           so many consignors, bidders and sponsors leading up to        company. As the years have passed, I have
           this exciting new event. Many sponsors and exhibitors         heard story after story about Brian and how
           will be with us at the Fall Auction – with their displays     loved and respected he was in the collector car
           appropriately distanced. There will be plenty of food         community as a whole.
           and beverage available, and you can even enjoy an             He also had a profound impact on me. I think
           adrenalin-pumping Dodge Thrill Ride on the Barrett-           it’s fair to say I idolized Brian, who was 14 years
           Jackson Performance Track. Of course, you’ll also see our     older than me and somewhat of a “Renaissance
           usual spectacular and diverse array of automobilia and        man” – an old soul who seemed wise beyond
           collector cars – most offered with No Reserve.                his years. He taught me so much about cars,
           We’re excited to share our collector car passion with you     restoration, racing and more. I was always
           in person at the Fall Auction and look forward to seeing      thrilled when Brian would take me with him to
           you there, masks and all!                                     Phil Hill’s races at Riverside or on his trips to the
                                                                         Bee Line Dragway, and treasure the memories of
                                                                         coming along when he cruised Central Avenue

                                                                                                          continued next page
                                                                                     VISIT BARRETT-JACKSON.COM FOR THE COMPLETE DOCKET       5
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