Page 86 - Barrett-Jackson_FirstLook_Fall2020
P. 86


                                                           WHAT’S HOT IN THE        NEON     NIRVANA
                                                    WORLD OF AUTOMOBILIA

         The brilliant and glowing signage known as “neon”    for $55,200, while a 1950s Republic Oil Company sign
         made its debut in the 1920s. The glass-sealed tubes   went to its new home for $51,750 and an impressive
         twisted to form letters and shapes – filled with neon gas   GMC Trucks marquee sign from the 1940s scored a
         lit with electricity – mesmerized young and old alike.  $46,000 sale.
         That’s still the case to this day, as can easily be   More than 20 of those brilliantly blinking, enticing
         experienced by walking into the Barrett-Jackson auction   neon signs will also be among the star pieces offered
         arena on any given morning of an event, before the   during the 2020 Fall Automobilia Auction, including
         gleaming collector cars take their turn on the stage.   a rare and all-original 1940s Dodge Automobiles
         Once called “liquid fire,” neon signs attract the human   marquee sign, a striking Chevrolet Super Service sign
         eye with an electric allure that few other forms of   from the 1930s-40s and an always-popular Mobil
         advertising can command.                             Oil Pegasus neon – this one a wonderful left-facing
                                                              example from the 1950s.
         Neon porcelain signs continue to be the hottest
         category in automobilia today. At the 2020 Scottsdale   In all, more than 350 authentic pieces of automotive
         Automobilia Auction last January, many records were   memorabilia will be offered – all with No Reserve –
         set and broken, especially in the brightly colored world   during the Fall Auction, many of them hailing from the
         of neon: eight of the top 10 sellers were neon porcelain   Cedarmore Collection, a Midwest collection acquired
         signs from the Mike Money Lifetime Collection.       over a 40-year time frame.
         The results were indeed impressive. A stunning 1951   There will also be several hundred cardboard, tin
         Mobil Oil left-facing Pegasus, the neon animated to   and porcelain signs pertaining to gas and oil, auto
         simulate the mythical horse’s flying wings, brought in   dealerships and soda. One of the highlights is a 1920s
         a remarkable $80,000. An original Chevrolet OK Used   Francisco Auto Heaters tin lithograph sign with a
         Cars dealership marquee sign from the 1940s-50s sold   period Packard depicted. Also included in the offering

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