Page 105 - Experience Magazine Spring 2023
P. 105


                          KNOW YOUR NUMBERS WITH THE AHA

           We all know how much horsepower our beloved collector vehicle has, what the tire pressure is, and how many smiles
           per mile we get, but what about your heart health numbers like blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose or BMI?
           Knowing your numbers is essential to leading a healthy life, as these numbers can indicate severe underlying health
           issues, even if you aren’t experiencing any symptoms.
           These are the key screening tests for monitoring cardiovascular health:

           BLOOD PRESSURE                                     Knowing your numbers is essential to lowering the risk
           Maintaining healthy blood pressure is essential,   of cardiovascular disease. The only way to know them is
           because the higher your blood pressure is, the higher   to be tested. Having less-than-ideal test results doesn’t
           your chances of health issues. Left undetected or   mean you’re destined to develop severe cardiovascular
           uncontrolled, high blood pressure can lead to stroke,   disease, however. According to the AHA, it means you’re
           vision loss, heart failure and heart attack, among other   in a position to begin positively changing your health.
           severe life-changing and life-threatening conditions.   We encourage you to schedule “routine maintenance”
           The best way to know if you have high blood pressure?   for your cardiovascular system – just as you would your
           Know your numbers and have your blood pressure     collector vehicle – and help slam the brakes on heart
           checked regularly.                                 disease and stroke.

           High cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk
           factors for coronary heart disease, heart attack and
           stroke. That’s why the AHA says it’s essential to have your
           cholesterol tested so that you can know your numbers.
           BLOOD GLUCOSE
           High blood glucose, or blood sugar, can also increase
           the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other
           serious health complications like diabetes. The AHA
           says nearly 33 million American adults have Type 2
           diabetes and many don’t know it. If it is left untreated,
           diabetes can cause many health complications. That’s
           why it’s crucial to know your numbers and to see a
           healthcare professional regularly for screenings.
           BODY WEIGHT
           Lastly, Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a measurement
           that may tell you and your doctor whether you’re at
           a healthy body weight and composition. Per the AHA,
           being obese puts you at higher risk for developing
           heart disease, stroke, atrial fibrillation, congestive heart
           failure and more.

                                                          TO DATE, TENS OF MILLION OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN REACHED

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