Page 21 - Experience Magazine Winter 2023
P. 21

Carrera GT remain formidable, beginning with a   purposeful luxury and safety features, including
               competition-style, carbon-fiber monocoque tub    front and side-impact airbags, plus safe stopping
               and subframe structures produced by Italy’s ATR   afforded by ABS brakes.
               Composites Group. Race-worthy underpinnings      Performance credentials for the Carrera GT are
               included inboard rocker arms with upper and      nothing short of superlative by any era’s standards.
               lower wishbones at all four corners. Both the    According to Porsche AG, acceleration from rest to
               Carrera GT’s clutch and brake components employ   100 km/h (62 mph) is achieved in just 3.9 seconds,
               strong yet lightweight ceramic composite materials.   with the 200 km/h (124 mph) mark obliterated
               Even its massive 19- and 20-inch wheels are made   in 9.9 seconds and the car hitting a top speed of
               of ultra-lightweight forged magnesium for minimal   a supercar-worthy 330 km/h (205 mph). While
               unsprung weight and razor-sharp responsiveness to   never intended for the drag strip, the Carrera GT
               driver inputs.
                                                                can also deliver a wicked 11.4-second elapsed time
               The design of the Carrera GT body was completed   over the quarter-mile — normally the preserve of
               by a team of stylists under the famed Dutch      bare-bones drag cars. Mated to the race-bred V10
               automobile designer Harm Lagaay. Similar         engine is a 6-speed manual gearbox and transaxle,
               to other contemporary Porsche models, the        controlled with a simple yet elegant beechwood
               Carrera GT employs an automated rear wing that   gearshift knob paying homage to the wild V12 Le
               deploys at speeds above 120 km/h (75 mph) or     Mans-conquering Porsche 917s of 1969-71.
               by the driver’s election at any speed, providing   While Porsche was frustrated in its quest to take
               additional downforce and stability. In fact, not   the Carrera GT to racing, the car was nonetheless
               one body feature of the incredibly aggressive    an unqualified success as a thinly disguised
               Carrera GT is not functional — everything serves   racing car for the road, satisfying Porsche’s most
               a role in elevating the driving experience. Huge   ardent and well-heeled clients. Demanding equal
               air intakes on both sides blast cool, dense air to   measures of respect and skill to master, the Carrera
               the Carrera GT’s three radiators, providing five
               times the engine-cooling area of that on Porsche’s   - - -
               contemporary 911 Turbo. The carbon-fiber         …THE CURRENT OWNER/COLLECTOR ENTRUSTED WELL-
               underbody of the Carrera GT is a study in cutting-
               edge aerodynamic efficiency, working in concert   KNOWN SUPERCAR EXPERT JAMIE CUMMINGS, PROPRIETOR
               with the rear diffuser to maintain stability even   OF KAROSSERIE IN WAYNE, PENNSYLVANIA, TO ELEVATE THE
               at shockingly high speeds. While designed and    CAR’S PRESENTATION WELL BEYOND ITS ALREADY STELLAR
               developed for extreme all-around performance,    FACTORY-ORIGINAL STANDARDS.
               the Carrera GT’s interior is an example of       - - -

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