Page 18 - Experience Magazine Winter 2023
P. 18

Craig Jackson the helmet and gloves   Craig Jackson, Steve Davis and    Patterson, to raise an additional
        he wore when he drove the No.       Edward Graham from Samaritan’s      $300,000, and a “collection hat”
        23 DRR Palermo’s/Barrett-Jackson    Purse, which, along with the        spontaneously passed around the
        Chevrolet IndyCar during the 106th   Florida Disaster Fund, benefited   Muscle Lounge skybox was filled to
        running of the Indianapolis 500.    from the GT500 sale (all shown      the brim with $6,938 – resulting in a
        SUPER SHELBY SATURDAY               at top of previous page and above   grand total of $1,000,938, with 100
        The second of two charity vehicles   right). Shawn Shelby, grandson of   percent of the funds going directly
        had bidders and auction-goers alike   Carroll Shelby, drove the limited-  to the charities. The additional
        on their feet Saturday afternoon    production GT500 onto the block     $294,000 in donations were made
        at the 2022 Houston Auction. In     for the sale, making the moment     by George Shinn, the Mauzy family,
        light of the recent devastation in   even more memorable.               Kathie Lee Gifford, the Ingram
        Florida caused by Hurricane Ian,    The Brittney-Blue Shelby sold       family and Rick Hendrick.
        George Shinn and his wife Megan     for $400,000, with additional       America’s Supercar also topped the
        generously donated a 2022 Ford      donations from the audience and     charts on Super Saturday. Lot #749,
        Shelby GT500 Heritage Edition       friends of Shinn bringing the total to   a 2019 Ford GT adorned in Liquid
        to aid relief efforts. The Shinns   $650,000. It was then donated back   Gray, and Lot #757, a 2019 Ford
        were on the auction block with      by the first winning bidder, Mike   GT finished in matte black, (both

        18       BARRETT-JACKSON EXPERIENCE       WINTER 2023
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