Page 11 - Experience_Magazine_Winter2022_Barrett-Jackson
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           time at other events, asking people what they liked and   top automakers involved in the events. I expanded on
           what they didn’t like. I looked at the way other people ran   that vision even further, adding Internet bidding, live
           their businesses and soaked it all up like a sponge.  television coverage, Thrill Rides, hundreds of exhibitors –
                                                                 everything that is around the lifestyle of cars in a festival
           The first person who stepped up to help was Steve
           Davis, who started out as a consignor and now serves   atmosphere that is very unique.
           as president of Barrett-Jackson. He’s always been a part   I feel quite gratified when I speak with movers and
           of the family. When my brother passed, it was a tough   shakers in the automotive industry and they tell me the
           moment in time for me, and Steve was one of the first   static “car show” isn’t that appealing anymore, nor is
           ones who put up his hand and said, “Tell me how I can   an all-virtual scenario. Barrett-Jackson has become the
           help.” That’s a team player, and that’s Steve Davis.  evolution of the auto show. Manufacturers recognize the
                                                                 need for an interactive experience, where people come
           My mother helped tremendously; she was always such
           a force of stability, opening up the office every day   and have multiple things to do, look at new products,
           and keeping the books. She passed away in 2010 and I   watch the unveil of a new vehicle, and take part in the
           still miss her. I am so fortunate that my wife Carolyn,   excitement when a brand-new VIN 001 car sells on the
           who serves as Barrett-Jackson’s Vice President of Brand   auction block for a great charitable cause. All that comes
           Strategy, has that same incredible drive for the auctions   together now at one place on the planet: Barrett-Jackson.
           and love for the people in this industry. She is great   The Barrett-Jackson brand is incredibly important to me,
           at helping me work through decisions and at staying   because it stands for credibility. I want my legacy to be that
           even-keeled and focused. One thing I’ve learned in this   we’ve incorporated the most ethics and transparency into
           business is that sometimes the right decision and the   the collector car industry. We do our absolute best to guide
           more financially advantageous decision aren’t always the   consignors into presenting their vehicles as accurately as
           same decision. You’ve got to pivot; you’ve got to decide.   possible to create an atmosphere that is fair and even across
           You’ve got to do what’s right.                        the board. The results speak for themselves: the cars are
                                                                 selling, breaking records, and what they sell for is the true
           The company made some tough decisions back in the
           1990s. But, looking back, they were the right decisions.   price in the marketplace today.
           My goal, as I saw it, was bringing new people into the   It makes new people coming into the hobby feel
           hobby, and I think that’s been achieved by continuing   comfortable; it makes everyone come and enjoy
           my brother’s vision of getting corporate America and   themselves. Barrett-Jackson is very much about the

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