Page 108 - Experience_Magazine_Winter2022_Barrett-Jackson
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installed, giving the car a level of   Today, that very same car is available   - - -
        pedigree unlike any other on Earth.   for you in its purest form as Lot #1347   THIS FINAL ENCORE WAS MET

        Everyone knew they were witnessing    at the 2022 Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale   WITH JOY AND SORROW AS EVERY
        automotive history from a front-row   Auction. The interior is still covered   PRODUCTION WORKER IN THE PLANT
        seat. They also knew they would all   with its protective plastic seat covers,   WAS ASKED TO SIGN HIS OR HER
        be out of a job when this car was     door panels and steering wheel cover.
        completed, so they enthusiastically   A total of 33 miles are indicated on   NAME ONTO THE PARTICULAR PART
        put their heart, soul and love into   the odometer.                          THEY EACH INSTALLED, GIVING THE
        the assembly process. Lloyd and       This spectacular example of a one      CAR A LEVEL OF PEDIGREE UNLIKE
        Mark Reuss, both presidents of GM,    and only American muscle car has at    ANY OTHER ON EARTH.
        also signed this car as it eased off   last become available, and with No    - - -
        the assembly line. How’s that for an   Reserve. First or last, Buick Grand
        official seal of authenticity? The event   Nationals set the scene in the 1980s,
        was filmed by GM and Colvin, with     and this one is sure to be a great
        Colvin doing the narrating to capture   addition to any bedroom or garage.
        that history for everyone. The video,   – Roger C. Johnson
        titled “Black Air,” is an insightful and   For up-to-date information on this vehicle,
        emotional account of the first day of   visit
        this car’s life through the eyes of its
        first and only owner.

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