Page 103 - Barrett-Jackson_Experience_Spring2021
P. 103
LOT #1304.1 - 1966 SHELBY GT350 – NO RESERVE V8 engine and BorgWarner T-10 4-speed
Numbered SFM6S1765, this 1966 Shelby manual transmission, and Shelby 10-spoke
GT350 is one of just 1,356 street cars aluminum wheels as new. In January 2004,
produced and one of as few as 305 original the GT350 had a new owner, passing in 2007
Ivy Green examples known to the Shelby to exotic-car dealer and vintage racer David
American Automobile Club (SAAC). Bingham of Bellevue, WA, who fully sorted
Following assembly, it was placed at the the car before selling it to noted collector
Ford Motor Company storage facility Ron Pratte in 2009, followed by the current
at Wixom, MI, on May 26, 1966, and owner/collector in 2015. Retaining the
eventually shipped to Courtesy Motors, matching-numbers 289/306hp V8 and T10
Inc. of Littleton, CO, which was invoiced 4-speed, the GT350 features a dash-mounted
at just $2,917, with equipment including Shelby tachometer, wood-rimmed steering
Shelby 10-spoke aluminum wheels, a wheel, optional fold-down rear seat and AM
rear seat and Le Mans stripes. In October radio. Its post-restoration care is exemplary,
1993, Speed TV co-founder Roger Williams maintaining the Shelby's concours-level
acquired the GT350 and displayed it at condition. In addition to listing in the SAAC
the Speedvision paddock during the 2000 Shelby Registry, documents include the
Monaco Historics. In 2003, Williams had original Shelby American owner's manual
the GT350 restored, including a repaint in supplement and Shelby Serial Number
its factory-specified Ivy Green, rebuilding Verification from Howard Pardee, SAAC
and reinstallation of the original 289/306hp 1965-66 GT350 Registrar.
NO RESERVE - LOT #1304.1