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        on the auction block and contained in the car card   relating to this Agreement, excepting only those matters
        supersedes any such previous vehicle description.    arising out of BJAC’s willful misconduct.
                                                           (D) Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in the event the
        5. REMEDIES; GOVERNING LAW; EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION   mediation referenced in section 5(B) is not requested
        (A) In the event Buyer breaches these terms and    in a timely fashion or is unsuccessful, Buyer’s sole and
        conditions or fails to consummate the sale for any   exclusive remedy shall be an action for actual damages
        reason, BJAC may, in addition to and not in lieu of   against Seller. Buyer shall have no right to revoke
        any rights available at law or in equity, and at its sole   acceptance of any Lot after the fall of the hammer, and
        discretion: (i) compel specific performance and hold   Buyer shall have no right to maintain any action for
        Buyer liable for the bid price plus commissions; (ii)   consequential damages.
        resell any Lot by public or private auction for Buyer’s   (E) Buyer’s invocation of the mediation provisions of
        account and risk and hold Buyer liable for all damages,   this Agreement shall not create any warranty or any other
        including the difference between the bid price and   liability between BJAC and Buyer. As stated in section
        resale price, BJAC’s full commission on the bid price, all   1(B) above, BJAC expressly disclaims all warranties,
        costs for resale (including commissions), and attorneys’   express or implied, concerning the Lot, including the
        fees and consequential damages; or (iii) cancel the sale   warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular
        and retain all payments made by Buyer, including any   purpose(s).
        advance deposits, as liquidated damages and not as a   (F) In the event of any dispute between Buyer and BJAC
        penalty.                                           arising out of or related to this Agreement or its subject
        (B) Unless otherwise prohibited by law, before Buyer may   matter, Buyer’s claim for damages shall be limited
        initiate any legal proceeding arising out of or relating   exclusively to actual damages, and shall not include
        to any sale occurring as a result of this Agreement,   consequential damages, or incidental or other special
        including, but not limited to issues related to Seller’s   damages.
        representations or statements concerning condition,   (G) This Agreement, and any action arising out of or
        genuineness or authenticity, origin or provenance,   based on it or its subject matter, shall be governed by
        previous use or ownership, manufacturing or restoration   Arizona law excluding its conflicts of law rules. Buyer
        processes, year or age, serial number, make, model or   agrees that the state and federal courts located in
        mileage, or any other representation made regarding   Maricopa County, Arizona shall have sole and exclusive
        any Lot, Buyer shall submit to a mediation with Seller   jurisdiction over any action, dispute, or proceeding
        to be facilitated by BJAC or its designee on the terms   relating to or arising out of this Agreement or its subject
        and conditions set forth by BJAC. BJAC or its designee   matter, and Buyer hereby waives any objection to venue
        will facilitate this mediation in good faith in an effort to   laid therein. Buyer further agrees that the state and
        resolve any such dispute. If the parties are unable to reach   federal courts located in Maricopa County, Arizona shall
        an agreed resolution, or if BJAC in its sole discretion   have personal jurisdiction over Buyer for the purposes
        determines this effort or the prospect of mediation to   of any action described above. In any litigation or
        be unsuccessful, Seller and Buyer may thereafter resolve   proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement,
        their dispute through appropriate legal channels. If   Buyer agrees to pay all of BJAC’s attorney fees, costs
        Buyer avails himself of this mediation provision, Buyer   and other expenses incurred in connection with the
        must request a Request for Mediation form from BJAC   litigation or proceeding if BJAC is successful in such
        and submit the completed form in accordance with the   litigation or proceeding.
        instructions contained therein to begin the mediation   (H)  Should the auction be canceled by BJAC due to a
        process. The form must be submitted within 30 days   force majeure event, including without limitation Act of
        from the date of purchase of the vehicle or Buyer shall be   God, disease, pandemic, or governmental order, Buyer
        deemed to have waived and forfeited the opportunity to   shall be entitled to a refund of his entry fee paid as
        request mediation assistance from BJAC.            his sole and exclusive remedy, and BJAC shall have no
        (C) Buyer acknowledges that BJAC may have an interest   liability to Buyer.
        in commissions resulting from the resolution of a
        dispute through this mediation process. Buyer hereby   6. ENTIRE AGREEMENT
        waives any potential or actual conflict of interest inherent   This Agreement and related Contract of Sale contain the
        in such a mediation process and agrees to defend (using   entire agreement between Buyer and BJAC pertaining to
        counsel reasonably acceptable to BJAC), indemnify and   the subject matter described herein. Any terms proposed
        hold BJAC harmless for, from and against any claims,   by Buyer orally or in writing which add to, vary from
        demands, actions, judgments, liabilities, losses or   or conflict with this Agreement shall be void, and the
        expenses (including attorney fees) arising from or related   Agreement shall constitute the complete and exclusive
        to BJAC’s mediation of any dispute arising out of or   statement of the agreement between the parties and

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