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final total of hammer price plus premium.           default. This provision is in addition to and in no way
                                                                   supersedes or replaces Buyer’s financial responsibility
               (B) Buyer will be required to pay all applicable taxes,   regarding such purchase.
               license fees, or other fees levied by any authority unless
               BJAC receives satisfactory proof of exemption, including   4. PASSING OF TITLE
               a proper bill of lading (to be determined in BJAC’s   (A) Upon the fall of the Auctioneer’s hammer, title
               sole discretion). There are no refunds once BJAC has   of the offered Lot will pass to the highest Bidder
               paid taxes and license fees (typically two weeks). Buyer   acknowledged by the Auctioneer, subject to the
               acknowledges that the bidder registration fee paid to   conditions set forth herein, and at such time Buyer:
               participate in the auction is not included in or deducted   (i) assumes full risk and responsibility for the Lot
               from the total price of any Lot purchased.          and neither BJAC nor its agents shall be responsible
               (C) Buyer agrees that if he acquires, or if any related   for the loss of, or any damage to, any article due to
               entity or person acquires, within 60 days after the   theft, fire, breakage or any cause whatsoever; (ii) will
               auction date, any Lot consigned to the BJAC auction that   sign a contract of sale confirming purchase of the Lot
               is not sold through the auction for any reason Buyer   and any related purchase documents; (iii) will pay
               will be obligated jointly and severally, with the Seller,   the full purchase price plus applicable commission;
               for the immediate payment to BJAC of a commission in   (iv) will ensure the purchased vehicle complies with
               the amount of 18% (No Reserve Lots) or 20% (Reserve   any emissions testing requirements in the applicable
               Lots) of the sale price of the Lot.                 jurisdiction; and (v) warrants and agrees that he will
                                                                   perform the necessary steps to document the transfer of
               3. PAYMENT                                          title in accordance with applicable state law within 30
               (A) All bidder fees are non-refundable and non-     days of receipt of transfer documentation from BJAC.
               transferable.                                       (B) Buyer must remove all property from BJAC’s
               (B) A valid method of payment must be submitted for   premises not later than 72 hours following the sale,
               each auction. Buyer shall bring a bank reference and a   unless otherwise specifically instructed in writing by
               copy of Buyer’s signature certified by that bank. Buyer   BJAC. If any Lot is not removed, a handling charge of
               agrees to pay for all Lots on the day of sale in U.S.   1% of the purchase price will be payable by the Buyer
               currency, certified check or cashier’s check. Personal   per month, until the Lot is removed, with minimum
               checks may be accepted, at BJAC’s sole discretion,   of 5% for any property not removed within 60 days
               but only if accompanied by irrevocable bank letter of   after the sale. After 90 days, BJAC may dispose of the
               guaranty in favor of BJAC stipulating Buyer’s credit   property. Buyer Hereby Waives All Requirements Of
               limit on the day of the sale. There shall be no deviation   Notice, Advertisement And Disposition Of Proceeds
               from this provision without the prior written consent   Required By Law, And Releases BJAC From Any Liability
               of BJAC. Buyer hereby authorizes BJAC to recover lost   Whatsoever In Connection With Such Disposal.
               commissions or fees due to BJAC should Buyer default   (C) Lots, titles and/or bills of sale will only be released
               and charge this amount to Buyer’s credit card on file or   in the case of cash purchases. In all other cases the
               to recoup such commissions or fees through any other   title and/or bill of sale will normally be delivered to
               available means of payment.                         Buyer within 30 days following the sale.  For vehicles
               (C) Buyer acknowledges and agrees that he is expressly   described as “title in transit,” Buyer agrees that
               prohibited from submitting a bid for purchase of any   significant title delays may occur and that Buyer shall
               Lot if any such single or cumulative bid(s) exceed(s)   make no claims for damages or otherwise against BJAC
               Buyer’s credit limit then on file with BJAC for the   as a result of such delays in title processing, and that, in
               auction. If Buyer circumvents this provision and    BJAC’s sole discretion, BJAC may unwind or rescind the
               succeeds in entering a winning bid in excess of his   sale if needed.
               credit limit, Buyer hereby warrants and agrees that   (D) If Buyer or Buyer’s representative drives a vehicle
               he shall remain fully liable to BJAC and to Seller for   on the auction site, all applicable Motor Vehicle Laws
               the complete purchase price, plus applicable fees and   must be observed at all times. Buyer is responsible for
               commissions, and that funds shall be remitted to BJAC   providing proof of current insurance for each auction
               on the day of sale.                                 event.
               (D) Should Buyer default upon the purchase for any   (E)  Prior to driving any vehicles purchased at auction,
               reason, Buyer agrees to pay BJAC the full sum of both   Buyer agrees to check or inspect any safety or driving
               the Buyer’s premium and Seller’s commission. This sum   components or mechanisms of such vehicles.
               is due and payable without relief. Buyer also agrees   (F)  Buyer acknowledges the final vehicle description
               to pay any court cost, attorney fees, storage, or other   may vary from previous printed catalog or online
               related cost or expense of any kind or nature whatsoever   description and the final vehicle description announced
               incurred by Seller or BJAC as a result of Buyer’s

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