Page 159 - Barrett-Jackson_Saturday_Catalog_SD21
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SATURDAY – MARCH 27 – 2021

                  LOT #1355.1 - 1955 FORD THUNDERBIRD CONVERTIBLE VIN 005
                   - FIRST RETAIL PRODUCTION

               The first retail Thunderbird ever   Ford headquarters in Dearborn, MI. It
               sold, VIN 005 was produced at the   has been pictured with generations of
               Michigan factory on September 9,   Ford executives and celebrities such as
               1954. This car came equipped with   Carroll Shelby, Barbara Streisand and
               the 292ci Y-block engine, Ford-O-  Jay Leno, to name a few. The history
               Matic automatic transmission, and   of the Thunderbird dates back to the
               power steering, windows and seats.   early 1950s, when a few individuals
               It has a wheelbase is 102 inches,   at the top of Ford's organizational
               BHP rating of 193 and weighs 3,250   chart conceived the idea of a sports
               pounds. One of the first performance   car. Designer Frank Hershey fathered
               road tests of the newly created    the idea of the sports car program that
               Thunderbird car done by a national   became the Thunderbird. The real
               magazine was tested on this same   history of this car dates back to 1965,
               car. Sports Illustrated did an article   when a well-admired gentleman and
               October 4, 1954, entitled "Testing   car buff by the name George Watts
               the Thunderbird," and this T-Bird   came across what he called "a needle
               was used as the test vehicle. This   in a haystack." After Ford officially
               car has been featured in magazines,   verified the status of his car as the first
               books, promotions, blogs and       retail production Thunderbird, he
               television shows. It has also made   meticulously restored the "original"
               many special appearances at various   to original. After documenting every
               museums, car shows and special     step with photos, it appeared three
               events, like the 1984 Olympics. The   years later — as if it just rolled off the
               Ford Motor Company commissioned    assembly line. The rest is history.
               the car, usually in its private trailer, to   A SELECT OFFERING FROM A PRIVATE COLLECTION.
               various events such as their national   NO RESERVE.
               conferences and car shows including

                                                                                          RESULTS AVAILABLE ON BARRETT-JACKSON.COM       15 9
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164