Page 9 - Experience Magazine Spring 2022
P. 9

of those great firsts were going to   moment that we had in ’06 spawned   We only have so many spots for
           manifest on the Barrett-Jackson stage.   all these incredible moments, creating   charity vehicles, so it becomes very
           Plus, that GT500 was one of the most   a platform for charity cars to bring the   competitive, in a good way. And
           anticipated cars of that era because it   kind of money that had never been   there’s a lot of planning that goes
           was going to have 500 horsepower!   seen before.                        on behind the scenes. We work with
           Of course, we kind of chuckle about   What we did this year with the    the manufacturers, there’s usually
           it now when 700 or 800 horsepower   Corvette with General Motors was    a spokesperson, and we often have
           is common, but that was leading-edge   one of the highlights of our charity   some of the most incredible American
           back then.                          sales, right up there with the Shelby   heroes standing side-by-side on

           Ron Pratte ended up buying that     for me. It was north of $3 million,   that stage. We’ve even had A-list
           first GT500, paying an unheard-of   and it was for a great veteran-related   celebrities. We need to make sure a
           $600,000 (opposite page). What we   cause. It was one of those moments   lot of choreographed moments get
           did in 2006 was unprecedented: that   when it seems as though time stands   put together before the cars go over
           a car like that would be offered to   still on the auction block, and   the auction block. It’s quite a ballet.
           the general public, and that it would   then when we got to that last bid   The car is inserted surgically into the
           be offered at Barrett-Jackson; that it   everybody erupted and just blew the   docket because we’re selling it on a
           would be offered at No Reserve, and   lid off that massive structure.   time basis. It’s a lot different now with
           that it was all for charity. All those   One of the things I’m proudest of   our charity process than it was trying
           things melded to create this incredible   is the awareness we create for these   to convince Ford to roll the dice with
           moment that helped launch all of it —   charities. It isn’t just that moment on   us on that first GT500.
           all to help others.                                                     The years between 2006 and 2022 may
                                               the block. People start talking, “Wow,
           From there we nurtured our          that was incredible. What is that   seem like a long time, but in another
           relationship with General Motors, and   charity and what do they do?” Before   way of looking at it, it hasn’t been that
           the next thing you know, GM is in the   you know it, we get a lot of great   long ago that we’d taken something
           hunt and they’re selling their VIN 001s.   calls and a lot of follow-ups from the   that didn’t exist and fine-tuned it
           At the 2008 Scottsdale auction, the   charities after the car sold thanking us   into this amazing, magical thing that
           first retail 2009 Corvette ZR-1 (above   because their website was inundated   people expect at every Barrett-Jackson
           left) sold for $1 million to benefit   with inquiries and people were really   auction. And now we’re going to
           the United Way, which was followed   excited about what was going on.   keep that momentum going as we
           by other Corvettes and first-of-series   In many cases, that’s exposure you   gear up for Palm Beach, where more
           Camaros. Then Dodge announced       can’t get anywhere else because we’re   first-in-series cars, including Ford’s
           it would sell the first Challenger   a world stage. We have millions of   2022 Bronco Raptor VIN 001 and a
           Hellcat (above center) and the last   people watching us online, we have   very early production VIN of the 2023
           Viper (above right). All of these firsts   millions of people watching on TV,   Chevrolet Corvette Z06 convertible,
           and lasts were coming right and left.   and we have millions of people on   will cross the block, all for great causes.
           That monumental precedent-setting   social media.

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