Page 8 - Experience Magazine Spring 2022
P. 8
Steve Davis
We just finished our incredible 50th These headliners caused me to take a
Anniversary celebration, and it was step back and contemplate how we got
unprecedented in every way. To here, on our 50th Anniversary, selling
have everybody get together for the these historically significant cars for
first post-pandemic Barrett-Jackson such staggering amounts for charity.
Scottsdale auction was simply an These are charitable impacts that will
electric experience. The expectations make a real difference. But the whole
and the anticipation of the 50th idea of a VIN 001 car being auctioned
STEVE DAVIS’ DARK GLASSES PROTECT HIS EYES FROM A Anniversary was the backdrop, and by major manufacturers for charity was
LIGHT SENSITIVITY CONDITION – BUT THAT DOESN’T HINDER we did not disappoint. It was a never a sure thing. Early on, it took
HIS VISION OF THE COLLECTOR CAR MARKET. phenomenal event. some arm-twisting to convince the key
As amazing as it all was, for me, I players it was going to be a win-win-
couldn’t help but reflect on some of win situation.
the charity moments, particularly the Back in 2006, I’d had ongoing
first-in-series cars from the OEMs. discussions as part of a long
- - - We sold the first retail production marathon effort to get Ford to
ONE OF THE THINGS I’M PROUDEST 2023 70th Anniversary Edition Z06 consider selling the VIN 001 2007
Corvette for $3.6 million, plus an
Shelby GT500 at our 35th Anniversary
OF IS THE AWARENESS WE CREATE additional $100,000 donated, to auction for charity. There was a lot of
FOR THESE CHARITIES. benefit Operation Homefront. The anxiety among the Ford and Shelby
- - - first production 2022 Ford Shelby folks. They thought it was risky, that
GT500KR hammered sold for the car might not bring MSRP, leading
$700,000 to benefit the Carroll Shelby to major embarrassment.
Foundation and JDRF, and the first two “Trust me guys, it’s going to do really,
Toyota Tundra iForce Twin Turbo V6 really well,” I had to keep reassuring
hybrid pickups for the North American them. Carroll Shelby and Edsel Ford
market sold to benefit the Toyota U.S. were back together again, the GT500
Paralympic Fund.
was returning, it was VIN 001 — all