Page 98 - Experience Magazine Summer 2023
P. 98


                                            THE ALL-NEW BARRETT-JACKSON
                                            APP IS YOUR ULTIMATE COMPANION

                                            FOR THE BEST AUCTION EXPERIENCE

                                            For those attending a Barrett-Jackson   about what you’re looking for, the
                                            event in-person, the Barrett-Jackson   app enables browsing by category.
                                            App is a valuable tool that can be   Alternatively, you can utilize the
                                            easily downloaded from the Google   search bar located at the top of
                                            Play Store or Apple App Store. It is   the map to quickly find specific
                                            a must-have resource for anyone     items or amenities, such as coffee
                                            looking to stay informed and make   to kickstart your day. The map is a
                                            the most of their experience at     comprehensive resource, providing
                                            Barrett-Jackson events.             information on ATMs, restrooms,
                                                                                Barrett-Jackson merchandise,
                                            The Barrett-Jackson App not only
                                            provides convenient access to       event details, exhibitors and even
                                            browse the vehicle and automobilia   the auction office for bidding
                                            dockets but also offers real-time   registration or post-purchase
                                            updates on the selling prices of    checkouts. It also offers convenient
                                            items during the auction. Alongside   walking directions to any desired
                                            these features, the app introduces   location within the site.
                                            the standout “My Garage”            The app’s info tab contains a
                                            functionality, allowing you to      schedule of events for the auction.
                                            personalize your experience. By     This schedule provides details
                                            marking your favorite cars with a   about when automobilia items will
                                            heart icon, they are stored in the   go on the block and when collector
                                            “My Garage” section, providing      cars are scheduled to start, and also
                                            quick access to the Lot details page   highlights other exciting activities
                                            and ensuring you stay informed      such as collector car symposiums,
                                            even if you miss the selling price   live music performances and
                                            during the auction.                 product demonstrations.

                                            When you come upon a vehicle at     The Barrett-Jackson App is the perfect
                                            the auction site that captures your   companion for those attending
                                            heart, the app has you covered.     a Barrett-Jackson event. With its
                                            Simply use the app to scan the QR   easy accessibility from the Google
                                            code displayed on the vehicle, and   Play Store or Apple App Store, the
                                            instantly retrieve the Lot details.   app provides a wealth of features
                                            The app contains an assortment      to enhance your experience. Make
                                            of useful features, including an    the most of your Barrett-Jackson
                                            invaluable interactive map of       experience and download today!
                                            the auction site, allowing you
                                            to navigate the site effortlessly.
                                            Additionally, if you’re unsure

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