Page 6 - Experience Magazine Summer 2023
P. 6


        Las Vegas holds a special place in   Its racing history aside, Las      performance by multi-platinum
        the hearts of many a die-hard car   Vegas is of course known as The     country star Clay Walker in 2013
        guy – including me. Well before     Entertainment Capital of the World,   will always be among my favorites.
        Barrett-Jackson held its inaugural   and it’s no wonder why. The city   Of course, it wouldn’t be Las
        auction in the city in 2008, I      is home to world-famous casinos,    Vegas without some local legends
        remember going there in the ’60s    luxurious resorts and some of the   in attendance. Over the years
        with my parents to watch my         biggest names in entertainment.     these have included Siegfried
        brother Brian, who raced at the     Our team is always looking forward   and Roy, Corey Harrison, Austin
        Stardust International Raceway      to bringing the action of Barrett-  “ChumLee” Russel of “Pawn
        when he ran SCCA with Phil Hill     Jackson to Las Vegas, because that   Stars” and magician Penn Jillette.
        and Jim Hall, with the Chaparrals.   entertainment culture provides the   Wayne Newton, known as “Mr. Las
        I was there in the fall of 1968     perfect backdrop for this exciting   Vegas,” participated in the charity
        for the Can-Am finale when Hall     event. We are proud that many top-  sale of a 2015 Dodge Challenger
        was in a wreck and his Chaparral    name entertainers have joined us for   SRT Hellcat and sold a trio of his
        broke in two. I was just a kid, but   our Las Vegas Auction over the years   personal collector cars at the 2021
        I remember it clearly; I even had a   – many of whom brought their      Las Vegas Auction.
        piece of the broken Chaparral in    prized vehicles along with them.
        my room for a long time.            This year marks 15 years of Barrett-  Aerosmith band members stopped
                                                                                by the auction in 2019 when
                                            Jackson in Las Vegas. The first event   they had a residency in the city.
                                            in 2008 saw Carroll Shelby’s first   Additional notable entertainers
                                            road race car, a 1949 MG TC, as the   checking out the action have
                                            top-selling vehicle – but the 2010   included Mike Tyson, racing great
                                            Las Vegas Auction is a particularly   Richard Petty and Linda Vaughn,
                                            special and memorable one for me.   best known as “Miss Hurst Golden
                                            The auction featured eight unique   Shifter.” Other familiar faces at
                                            cars from the estate of Danny Gans, a   the auction have included British
                                            Vegas headliner and philanthropist.   entertainment writer Robin Leach,
                                            I met my wife, Carolyn, through the   as well as Jeff Allen and Meg Bailey
                                            sale of those vehicles.             from TV’s “Car Chasers.” We had a

                                            The Las Vegas Auction has hosted    lot of fun last year with comedian
                                            many other well-known names,        Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias, who sold
            Craig Jackson’s                 including Carroll Shelby, Funkmaster   his 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT
                             VIEW           Flex, Jay Leno, Don Prudhomme,      Demon and a 2015 Chevrolet

                                            John Schneider, Bruce Willis, Don
                                                                                Camaro Trans Am Bandit Edition
                  FROM THE                  Johnson, Sylvester Stallone, Josh   at the event.
                                            Duhamel, Tom Arnold, comedian
                                                                                With such a range of exciting cars
                          BLOCK             Rich Little, legendary MMA          and special guests, the Las Vegas
                                            Champion Randy Couture and
                  With Craig at the helm, the   UFC Hall of Famer Chuck Liddell.   Auction is always one of the most
                                                                                memorable in my book – made
                    Barrett-Jackson Auction   Magician Criss Angel, a longtime Las   even more special by the city’s
              Company is celebrating over 50   Vegas headliner, sold seven vehicles
             successful years in the collector                                  reputation for entertainment.
                car hobby. He is an avid car   from his collection at our 2011 event.
             collector, award-winning restorer   Not only have renowned         I look forward to seeing everyone
                     and racing enthusiast.                                     on and off the auction block in Las
                                            entertainers participated in buying   Vegas this year. Cheers!
                                            and selling, but on occasion they
                                            have even performed for us at       —  CRAIG JACKSON
                                            the Opening Night Party. The

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