Page 160 - Experience Magazine Winter 2023
P. 160

         Explore Future Technology and Innovation
         with Barrett-Jackson on Family Day

        On Saturday, January 21, the world   Along with students’ projects, STEM
        of science, technology, engineering   Fest will also have representatives
        and math (STEM) will come to life   from companies and organizations         JOIN US FOR STEM FEST
        to open the 2023 Barrett-Jackson    focused on STEM initiatives present        JANUARY 21, 2023
        Scottsdale Auction. Before some     at the event with displays and other    AT THE BARRETT-JACKSON
        of the world’s most sought-after    information. One such company is          SCOTTSDALE AUCTION
        collector cars start rolling across   Blue Origin, which will be displaying
        the block, auction guests will get a   a capsule from one of its rockets at
        glimpse into the future at STEM Fest,   this event.
        featuring selected Arizona students’   STEM Fest will take place on Saturday,
        submissions for the “Gearing Towards   January 21, in the South Showcase.
        The Future” initiative and other    It will begin when the gates open at
        interactive activities from STEM-   8 a.m. and last until right before the
        focused organizations.              parade of Barrett-Jackson Cup cars
        STEM Fest will spotlight all the    crosses the auction block at the end
        Gearing Towards The Future          of the day. Bring your whole family -
        winners and their projects. The     children 12 years old and under are
        initiative, created in conjecture   free on Family Day - and experience     Hands-on activities for
        with SciTech Institute, presented   the future with Barrett-Jackson.            kids of all ages
        four separate learning challenges
        depending on age group, all geared                                           Cutting-edge displays
        around automotive technology and                                            from STEM companies
        innovation. Students across Arizona
        were asked to design various future                                        Hang out with the Gecko
        solutions, such as electric vehicle                                        from AZ SciTech Institute
        charging infrastructures, electric
        vehicle components and features,
        transportation options and vehicles
        of the future.

                                                                                          SCAN FOR MORE
                                                                                        For more information on
                                                                                     Gearing Towards The Future, visit

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