Page 156 - Experience Magazine Winter 2023
P. 156

                                               DESIRABLE COLLECTIBLES
             LIGHTING THE WAY

                                            Picture this: You are driving your   way. Those gas pump globes also
                                            brand-new Model T along a long,     afforded product identification for
                                            dark stretch of highway. You pass a   drivers at a distance, with over 1,000
                                            speed limit sign and look down to   brands utilizing the illuminated
                                            check how fast you are going. You   marketing tool. Each displayed
                                            note that your speed is perfect – but   the brand’s logos and colors –
                                            your fuel level is low. You start to   sometimes they were even crafted
                                            panic. What happens if you run out   into unique shapes like crowns or
                                            of fuel on this dark, desolate road?   other figures, such as the famous
                                            How long would it take someone to   Shell clam.
                                            pass by? Would they stop and help   Some of the earliest gas pump
                                            you? After what feels like an eternity   globes were called “one-piece
                                            passes, a glowing orb appears in the   baked” or “one-piece etched”
                                            distance and relief begins to wash   globes, depending on how they
                                            over you.                           were constructed. The globes were
                                            In the early 1900s, lighting on the   generally made of milk glass with
                                            open road wasn’t the best, and      painted faces, or the glass was
                                            when drivers were low on fuel, they   etched or cast and then painted to
                                            sought out glowing globes atop gas   feature the gasoline brand it would
                                            pumps; they became beacons of       represent. Most of the earliest glass
                                            light meant to keep drivers on their   globe lenses were hand-painted,

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