Page 10 - Experience Magazine Winter 2023
P. 10

THE EXCITEMENT THAT THE                                European sports cars, classics, Resto-Mods, the latest and
        SCOTTSDALE AUCTION BRINGS                              greatest supercars, Electro-Mods … so many things to look
        Can you feel the excitement? I sure can. I get         forward to as a car person.
        this way every year during the countdown to            That “something for everyone” focus extends beyond the
        Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale. Our flagship auction       auction block. We build the most exclusive, incredible
        has become the barometer for the collector             shopping pavilion for the auction. Every year it’s a little
        car industry going into each new year, for good
        reasons. After 50-plus years, the anticipation         bit different than the year before. There’s furniture, high-
        surrounding this event in our home state of            end fashion, jewelry, automobilia - even jet planes and
        Arizona feels like the buildup to the Daytona          helicopters. You name it, we have it. You can window
        500, the Super Bowl, the Kentucky Derby or the         shop, you can celebrity-watch, you can just sit at a table,
        Academy Awards, and everybody wants to be              have great food and people-watch. You have the dining,
        seen on the red carpet.                                                  the shopping, all these incredible
                                                                                 interactive displays, something
        There are many reasons Scottsdale                                        for the kids, something for the
        is so special. First, think about    Steve Davis                         multiple generations of family that
        the time of the year. You have       BEHIND THE SHADES                   come together.
        the holidays — Thanksgiving,
        Christmas, New Year’s. And right                                         The evolution of Barrett-Jackson
        in that same general timespan is                                         Scottsdale has taken the auction
        Scottsdale. Holiday time is Barrett-                                     into rarefied territory, and we’re
        Jackson time.                                                            grateful to everyone who has
                                                                                 come along for the ride. We attract
        The other thing about Scottsdale                                         the Who’s Who of the world; the
        is it’s this annual, almost family                                       titans of business, entertainers and
        reunion-type feeling. You look                                           athletes. We host everyone from
        forward to it every year because you                                     the father-and-son teams building
        know you’re going to see friends                                         cars in their garages to NASCAR
        and people you consider extended                                         team members and owners - and
        family. Everybody shows up, we all                                       everything in between. Then there’s
        have our stories about the past year                                     the Barrett-Jackson Cup, where
        and we look forward to memories      STEVE DAVIS’ DARK GLASSES PROTECT HIS EYES FROM   some of the finest custom cars on
                                             A LIGHT SENSITIVITY CONDITION – BUT THAT DOESN’T
        we’ll take forward through the       HINDER HIS VISION OF THE COLLECTOR CAR MARKET.  the planet do battle on the show
        coming year. The reunion-like                                            field. Each year the quality of the
        feeling, together with the diversity                                     cars continues to get better.
        of the cars and people that come to
        Scottsdale – there’s nothing like it.                                    It didn’t happen overnight, of
                                                               course. Back in the day when I started coming to Barrett-
        And then you think about what’s going on in and around   Jackson, it was an incredible event, but it was for hard-
        Scottsdale besides Barrett-Jackson. It’s not a bad place to   core car guys. You came, you did car stuff, you watched
        be in January. It’s a destination location with a similar   cars sell, and you loaded up and went home.
        evolution to Las Vegas. We have the restaurants, the
        spas, world-class shopping, beautiful weather - nearby   But even then, there was something special in the air.
        Glendale is even hosting the NFL’s Super Bowl in       When I was a consignor, I would look forward so much
        February. Scottsdale has everything enjoyable, particularly   to Scottsdale. It was the number one thing my whole
        if you are part of the car culture.                    year was built around. When we were still at Phoenix
                                                               Municipal Stadium, long before WestWorld, I would
        I think people come to Scottsdale anticipating an amazing   earmark cars for Scottsdale and get them ready all year
        experience, and we give them just that every single year.   long for that annual trek to Arizona from my home in
        The something-for-everyone mentality is what drives us,   California. It became part of not just my business life,
        and me in particular while building the docket - we have
                                                               but my family life. Pretty much all my life plans revolved

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