Page 21 - Experience_Magazine_Winter2022_Barrett-Jackson
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Tom Barrett, former Scottsdale Mayor Herb Drinkwater and Russ Jackson

                                                                       Scottsdale Mayor David D. Ortega and Craig Jackson
                      The city of Scottsdale, Arizona, has been Barrett-
                      Jackson’s home right from the early days in the
                      1960s when Tom Barrett and Russ Jackson staged   began a tradition that every Scottsdale mayor since
                      a car show known as the Fiesta de los Autos     has honored. Later known as “Barrett-Jackson
                      Elegantes to raise funds for the local library   Collector Car Auction Week,” the proclamation
                      and community arts center. When the car show    recognizes the auction as an important tradition
                      concept evolved into the Barrett-Jackson Auction   for the residents of Scottsdale, a premier event of
                      Company, “The West’s Most Western Town” played   its kind and applauds Barrett-Jackson for “creating
                      host to the collector car auctions through 1977   a positive economic impact upon Scottsdale, the
                      when the event moved to Phoenix Municipal       Valley of the Sun and the State of Arizona.”
                      Stadium for a time.
                                                                      As we fast-forward to 2022, with Barrett-Jackson
                      It was Scottsdale Mayor Herb Drinkwater who     commemorating 50 years of The World’s Greatest
                      lured Barrett-Jackson back to its original home   Collector Car Auctions, Scottsdale Mayor David
                      after seeing immense potential in the northern   D. Ortega (who assumed office in early 2021) has
                      portion of the city, where the 356-acre Horseman’s   graciously amplified the annual proclamation. As
                      Park had been opened in 1982. Drinkwater took   the auction company looks to celebrate its golden
                      the Barrett and Jackson families to the area to   anniversary, Mayor Ortega’s first Barrett-Jackson
                      explain his vision of making this beautiful part of   proclamation has declared the entire month of
                      the city at the foot of the McDowell Mountains the   January 2022 as Barrett-Jackson Collector Car
                      epicenter of world-class Scottsdale-based events.  Auction Month.
                      Drinkwater’s persuasiveness worked. The first   “We have received tremendous support over the
                      Barrett-Jackson Auction held in its new location   many years from the City of Scottsdale, beginning
                      at WestWorld of Scottsdale in 1989 drew a record   in the late 1960s when my father Russ and his
                      50,000 people and realized a sales volume of    business partner Tom Barrett first held the Fiesta
                      nearly $30 million. The company has never looked   de los Autos Elegantes,” said Craig Jackson,
                      back, holding its flagship Scottsdale Auction there   chairman and CEO of Barrett-Jackson. “We have
                      every year, attracting bidders from all 50 states   continued to enjoy an incredible relationship
                      and dozens of countries around the world – and   with the City’s leadership over the years and we
                      bringing welcome revenue to the city from the   are proud to call Scottsdale our home. It is an
                      thousands of fans who flock here each year.     honor to receive Mayor Ortega’s month-long

                      Drinkwater was so grateful to Barrett-Jackson’s   proclamation, a first in our history, and we are
                      contribution to the community that he issued a   thrilled to once again bring the national and
                      proclamation in 1989 recognizing that special   international spotlight on Scottsdale for another
                      week in January was to be known as “Barrett-    exciting event as we celebrate 50 years of ‘The
                      Jackson Classic Car Auction Week” – and thus    World’s Greatest Collector Car Auctions.’”

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