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#2019-dR-BJPB-OmniChannelAD.qxp_Layout 1  11/4/19  3:12 PM  Page 1
                                                                                                                                    REACH OVER

                                                                                                                                    8 MILLION


                                                                                                                                   Shoppers!                                     ESTABLISHED. TARGETED. PROVEN.

                            SCOUTING IT OUT                                                                                           omni-channel

                EARNING AN AUTOMOTIVE MERIT BADGE AT THE AUCTION                                                                    media solutions

        A longtime mission of Barrett-Jackson has been        car’s oil, brakes and engine coolant, as well as how                          PRINT                               Omni-Channel Media Solutions put your
        to continue to educate and grow the collector car     to change tires and detail a vehicle. Barrett-Jackson                         DIGITAL                             exotic, luxury and/or classic inventory in
        hobby, reaching new generations in innovative ways    representatives will also speak to the young Scouts
        whenever possible. At the 2022 Scottsdale Auction,    about the variety of opportunities available within the                       E-MAIL                               front of shoppers no matter where they
        Barrett-Jackson will be welcoming members of the      automotive industry for those who may choose that                             SOCIAL                                 are or what channel they are using!
        Boy Scouts of America for an all-new initiative geared   career path. All Scouts in attendance will also receive a                                                      Contact our team now for more details.
        towards introducing young children to the passion     unique Barrett-Jackson patch.                                                 BLOG
        and excitement within the automotive industry. All    In addition to the automotive merit badge activities,
        uniformed Boy Scouts will receive free admission      Barrett-Jackson will also host a Pinewood Derby
        to Barrett-Jackson’s Scottsdale Auction on Saturday,   competition over the first two days of the event in
        January 22, and Sunday, January 23. As part                     the auction’s pre-staging lanes. Saturday’s
        of the initiative, a select group of 100                           competition will be amongst the
        Boy Scouts from Arizona’s Grand                                       Scouts themselves, while Sunday’s
        Canyon Council will complete their                                     competition will be open to
        automotive merit badge on-site                                          corporate entries and will serve
        at the auction. While earning                                           as a fundraiser for the Grand
        their badges, the Scouts will learn                                     Canyon Council.
        a variety of tasks from skilled
        mechanics, such as how to check a

                                                                                                                                  • (877) 855-6970
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