Page 24 - Barrett-Jackson_Saturday_Catalog_SD21
P. 24

FRIDAY – MARCH 26 – 2021



        In 1957 a customer could walk into   Fundamental vehicle elements were
        their local Chevrolet dealership and,   eliminated from the 150 to save
        with careful order form selections,   weight and boost performance.
        initiate the build of one the most   These items deleted included the
        desirable performance cars of the   heater, radio, clock, cigarette lighter
        era. For a mere $1,895 that car was   and ashtray. Even the rear seat was
        the 150 Utility Business Sedan,   ditched - all in the fight to make
        also known as the Salesman. This   the car faster. This 1957 Chevy
        specific-content car won the public   150 Salesman example has been
        over by the subtraction of many   restored to a high level of accuracy
        basic features while adding several   and precision. All correct General
        core performance elements. The    Motor parts numbers and proper
        additions included the famed 283ci   date codes can be found throughout
        V8 small-block Chevrolet engine that   the meticulously restored drag race
        was prepared with a special hi-lift   special. Included with the Chevrolet
        camshaft then topped with dual    is an extensive restoration dossier
        4-barrel carburetors for maximum   with comprehensive production
        performance. Horsepower was       number verification and photos
        270 - an eyepopping figure at the   for all the vehicle components.
        time. Mated to a 3-speed manual   Painted in code 802 Matador Red,
        transmission and equipped with the   every surface and material has been
        batwing air cleaner, the 150 Salesman   carefully refurbished and refinished
        quickly became the favorite for racers   to a high level of quality.
        on and off the strip. The "sleeper"   FROM THE RASER COLLECTION.
        motif carried over into the Chevrolet's   NO RESERVE.
        commonly equipped features.

      24      MARCH 20-27, 2021   THE SCOTTSDALE AUCTION
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