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                    BARRETT-JACKSON ROAD TOURS
                        ARE FOR THE DRIVERS

          You could spend a lifetime
          exploring the scenic drives
          of the United States, all as
          beautiful as they are diverse. The
          Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Road
          Tour aims to do just that. Since the Tour’s launch in
          October 2020, Barrett-Jackson has explored the land
          in America’s Southeast and, in May 2021, the striking
          landscapes of the West. With beautiful state parks,
          rugged coastlines and verdant hills, the topography of
          the Western United States made it the ultimate locale
          for drivers. And that is precisely what the Barrett-
          Jackson Collector Car Road Tour is all about: driving
          and sharing the passion for all things collector car.
          Beginning in Scottsdale, Arizona, and ending in
          Tacoma, Washington, Barrett-Jackson’s May Road
          Tour wound through five states, covered 1,800
          miles and featured nearly 50 stunning vehicles.
          The eight-day journey traversed some of the most
          scenic and challenging roads the American West
          has to offer – including the legendary Route 66. The
          tour took participants through the sunset-colored
          rock formations of Sedona through the soaring       the journey, participants were invited to experience
          temperatures of Death Valley, the snow-dusted       the twists and turns of the incredible Spring Mountain
          mountains of Mammoth, California’s towering         Motor Resort and Country Club in Pahrump, Nevada.
          Redwoods and up the twisting shoreline of Oregon’s   Drivers had the opportunity to pilot the 8th-generation
          Highway 101 to the emerald forests of Washington    Corvette around the track as instructors from the Ron
          State – all while visiting famous landmarks and     Fellows Performance Driving School taught them the
          automotive destinations along the way.              ins and outs of the circuit and even took a few lucky
          The May road-going adventure visited some of the    participants for some hot laps to show off what the
          best car collections and museums on the West Coast,   mid-engine C8 Corvette can really do.
          including a private tour of the exclusive Brother’s   Additional stops along the way included a visit to
          Collection in Salem, Oregon, as well as Shelby      the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, California, as
          American in Las Vegas and a thrilling visit to the   well as a visit to Martinez, California’s The Cobra
          Blackhawk Museum in Northern California. During     Experience – a museum dedicated to preserving the

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