Page 8 - Experience Magazine Spring 2022
P. 8

Steve Davis’
                                        BEHIND THE SHADES

        THE ENTERTAINMENT CAPITAL OF THE WORLD                                  Carroll Shelby’s first race car, a
        Las Vegas has always been a                                             1949 MG TC (opposite page, top
        special place for Barrett-Jackson.                                      left). I went to Shelby American
        It’s one of my favorite events                                          with the vehicle before the auction
        simply because of being in Vegas.                                       and interviewed Carroll himself
        It’s such a great town and really                                       (opposite page, top center). My
        mirrors the excitement of a                                             memories revolve around that
        Barrett-Jackson auction. I love the   STEVE DAVIS’ DARK GLASSES PROTECT HIS EYES FROM A   car as much as the event due to
        24/7 energy, and I love the world-   LIGHT SENSITIVITY CONDITION – BUT THAT DOESN’T HINDER   the historic nature of the MG and
        class entertainment, dining, and         HIS VISION OF THE COLLECTOR CAR MARKET.  Carroll being around to tell me the
        shopping options.                                                       story. And just last year I celebrated
                                                              my 25th anniversary with the Barrett-Jackson Auction
        Of course, Las Vegas is a city you have to take on its   Company on the Vegas stage (opposite page, top right).
        own terms. The stakes are high and nobody knows
        exactly what is going to happen until you pull the    Some personal moments are bittersweet. In 2011 I sold
        handle. Everybody is hoping for that big jackpot.     my custom 1964 Ford Fairlane there for the Armed
        Barrett-Jackson has had gratifying success in Las Vegas,   Forces Foundation (opposite page, center right),
        but it didn’t necessarily come easy.                  and I sold my Shelby GT500 Super Snake (opposite
                                                              page, lower left) to benefit the local first responders
        Take our first Las Vegas auction in 2008. We worked a
        long time to get to Vegas initially. Many auctions have   following the terrible mass shooting in 2017. We were
                                                              the first public event after that shooting that took
        come and gone in Las Vegas — none ever reaching the
        level of success of a Barrett-Jackson event. So there   place at Mandalay Bay. I think we played an important
                                                              role in helping the healing process begin within the
        were a lot of expectations there and we put plenty of
        effort into making that happen.                       community. It really solidified our place as being part
                                                              of the community, not just a business that comes in
        And as fate would have it, as we rolled into the      there and takes place and leaves.
        Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas for the
        inaugural event, it happened to coincide, literally to   Of course, it wouldn’t be Las Vegas without celebrities,
                                                              and we’ve hosted so many great ones over the years.
        the day, with the 2008 financial meltdown. So we had
        the anxiety of a new event in a new venue in a new    We’ve had Siegfried & Roy on the stage. One of the
                                                              most touching and validating sales of a collection
        location and on a new stage, and lo and behold, as we
        were setting up and getting ready for the auction, the   that I’ve experienced was when we sold Danny Gans’
                                                              collection for his family (opposite page, center
        financial crisis began. I remember walking by the big
        screens that are everywhere in Las Vegas, and everyone   left) after he passed away. Danny Gans was voted
                                                              Entertainer of the Year and headlined at The Mirage
        was fixated on how low the Dow was dropping.
                                                              on The Strip for many years. Selling his incredible
        But the dice rolled in our favor, and when the smoke   collection with his family in attendance was a
        cleared, to this day, it was one of the best Las Vegas   milestone moment.
        Auctions we’ve ever had.
                                                              That celebrity spotlight will of course be shining at
        I’ll admit that my connection with the Las Vegas      this year’s auction. Paul Stanley of KISS is selling
        Auction is deeply personal. For me it’s like a        his factory-customized VIN 001 Chevrolet Corvette
        homecoming. At that first auction in 2008 we sold     convertible, along with an autographed Ibanez Paul

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