Page 46 - Experience Magazine Spring 2022
P. 46

          AERO WARRIOR

                               1970 PLYMOUTH HEMI SUPERBIRD SELLING WITH NO RESERVE

        Wildly popular from inception, the   by 1967/68, forcing engineers to
        NASCAR stock-car circuit continues   realize that raw horsepower was no
        to host some of the fiercest racing   longer sufficient to win. Plymouth
        anywhere in the world, pitting      stalwart Richard Petty may have
        automobile manufacturers against    won 27 of 49 races during the
        one another in one of the ultimate   1968 NASCAR campaign in his
        applications of the “Win on         HEMI-powered Plymouth Satellite,
        Sunday, Sell on Monday” spirit.     but arch-rival Ford enticed him to
        Special factory-available racing    switch camps to a sleeker, purpose-
        parts, larger-than-life personalities,   built Torino Talladega for 1969.
        and increasingly wild factory-built   Chrysler’s only hope of beating
        cars have always been essential to   Ford on the new and extremely fast
        NASCAR’s appeal, most importantly   NASCAR superspeedways was to
        fueling the hearts and minds of     drastically reduce aerodynamic drag
        millions of fans flocking to dealer   to unlock higher speeds. While the
        showrooms. Several peaks were       more specialized Dodge Charger
        reached during the 1950s and early   500 was a definite improvement,
        1960s, with America’s auto industry   even more drastic measures were
        giants briefly pulling back from racing   soon required for the NASCAR arms
        collectively in 1957, followed in 1963   race against Ford. Using the latest
        by GM’s self-imposed racing ban.
                                            wind-tunnel test data at Lockheed,
        Despite the various manufacturers’   Chrysler engineers devised a more
        official positions on factory-backed   radical solution in 1969 – the
        competition and the obvious risks   Charger Daytona. Featuring a bullet-
        associated with unleashing thinly   style extended steel nose cone, chin
        disguised racing cars on America’s   spoiler, pop-up headlamps, and an
        roads, the late 1960s saw increasing   outrageously tall but effective rear   Development of a Plymouth
        racing speeds. Engine development   wing atop aircraft-style stabilizers,   counterpart to the Daytona
        peaked with Chevrolet, Chrysler,    the Daytona sliced through the air   kicked off in June 1969 but
        Ford, and Pontiac all busy          and rewrote racing history as the   temporarily halted that August
        developing NASCAR-ready             first NASCAR competitor to break    before NASCAR announced a new
        hardware for loyal racing teams.    the 200-mph barrier. Just enough    1,000-car production requirement
        While Chevrolet and Ford were       – 503 in all – were produced in     or a number equal to half a
        unable to qualify their new radical,   time to qualify the wild Mopar   company’s dealers, whichever
        low-production engines for          for NASCAR. Debuted late in ’69     was highest, giving the Superbird
        NASCAR use, Chrysler’s  mighty      at the formidable new Talladega     a new lease on life. Unknown
        426 cubic-inch HEMI engine first    superspeedway, the Daytona          to many enthusiasts, the Road
        hit the track in 1964 and soon      scored its first win there with driver   Runner-based Superbird was quite
        reached its development zenith      Richard Brickhouse.                 different from the charger-based

        46         BAR R ET T -JA C KS O N E X PE R I E N C E        S U M M E R 2022
        46       BARRETT-JACKSON EXPERIENCE       SUMMER 2022
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