Page 88 - Experience Magazine Winter 2023
P. 88

LOT #768 - 1968 PORSCHE 911 - NO RESERVE


                                                                    project was donated to the museum in 1982, and
                                                                    Henninger has regularly been invited back to the
                                                                    museum to dust the model and keep it in ship-
                                                                    shape condition. To add an entertaining challenge,
                                                                    for years he has been hiding the model Porsche
                                                                    in different places on the ship for children and
                                                                    adults to find. While the exhibit is not currently on
                    Here’s a fun fact: The Smithsonian’s National Air
                    and Space Museum has an outstanding collection   display due to building renovations, rest assured
                                                                    the Porsche is being stored with the USS Enterprise
                    of models, with one of the most popular being the
                    USS Enterprise, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.   model as a registered official Smithsonian artifact.
                    This incredible model has an “Easter egg”: a small   Henninger based the model Porsche on his
                    model 1968 Porsche 911 coupe hidden among       life-size car, which will cross the block with No
                    its components. It’s important to note we aren’t   Reserve during the 2023 Scottsdale Auction,
                    talking about something associated with the holiday   January 21-29 at WestWorld. According to the
                    bunny, but rather an unexpected and relatively   consignor, the USA-spec Porsche was obtained in
                    undocumented feature included as a joke or a bonus.  1968 and delivered to him in Germany. Henninger
                                                                    performed all the maintenance and restoration
                    We know what you are thinking: Who would        himself, but, at 80 years old, he now finds the car
                    do such a thing? You can thank Barrett-Jackson
                    consignor Stephen Henninger for the addition    too much for him to keep up with. The sale of this
                                                                    vehicle includes several extra parts, including two
                    of the Porsche on the impressive 1:100 scale
                    model of the USS Enterprise. Henninger spent    engines and an additional set of wheels.
                    approximately 1,000 hours per year for 12 years   Register to bid today for your chance to own
                    building the ship completely from scratch. He   this real-life “Easter egg” Porsche – made all
                    came to build the model aircraft carrier after   the more special by knowing its model version
                    a colleague dared him to construct something    resides at the Smithsonian.
                    more ambitious than the small-scale models      – Nicole Ellan James
                    he had been building at the time. The resulting   For up-to-date information on this vehicle, visit

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