Page 6 - Experience Magazine Fall 2023
P. 6

Craig Jackson’s
                                   VIEW FROM THE BLOCK

                                   WITH CRAIG AT THE HELM, THE BARRETT-JACKSON AUCTION
                                   COMPANY IS CELEBRATING OVER 50 SUCCESSFUL YEARS IN
                                   THE COLLECTOR CAR HOBBY. HE IS AN AVID CAR COLLECTOR,
                                   AWARD-WINNING RESTORER AND RACING ENTHUSIAST.


             One of the highlights of the Barrett-Jackson   French, Canadian, Caribbean and Spanish-
             auctions that make them so special is their    style architecture, and the energy is infectious.
             celebrated locations. Scottsdale, Palm Beach   New Orleans is a culinary melting pot, with its
             and Las Vegas have all been incredible         famous Creole and Cajun cuisines blending
             destination cities for our events. Now, this   French, Spanish, West African and Native
             September, Barrett-Jackson is geared up for an   American influences. As you explore the city’s
             exciting addition to our roster: New Orleans,   distinct neighborhoods, you’ll discover why
             Louisiana! This world-renowned city is filled   it’s also a music-lover’s paradise. Talented jazz
             with entertainment, incredible cuisine and top-  and blues musicians are everywhere – from the
             level accommodations.                          streets to the many clubs and concert venues.
             The decision to hold an auction in New         New Orleans is no stranger to hosting major
             Orleans was fueled by the feedback from        events, either – the city’s infrastructure was
             our consignors, bidders, VIPs and guests. We   designed to hold large events like our auction.
             understood and took it to heart when you said   From the annual Mardi Gras celebration to the
             you wanted auctions in places with a fantastic   legendary New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival,
             atmosphere, and New Orleans delivers.          this city knows how to throw a party! And let’s
             The first time I visited this vibrant city, I was   not forget the 10 Super Bowls, nine Men’s and
             instantly captivated by its unique appeal.     Women’s NCAA Final Four events, college
             The streets are alive with a distinct blend of   football national championship games and

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