Page 54 - Experience Magazine Fall 2023
P. 54



            While General Motors’ all-electric Hummer may       creating a cohesive lunar surface pattern throughout
            not actually be exploring the moon any time soon,   the vehicle’s interior.
            the initial GMC Hummer EV Edition 1 showcases a     The captivating space exploration motif finds further
            distinct lunar aesthetic. The design team, operating   expression within the dashboard displays, which
            under tight deadlines, enthusiastically embraced the   immerse the observer in graphics portraying the
            challenge of creating a game changing electric vehicle   Hummer EV gracefully traversing the rugged terrains
            and likened it to a “moonshot” endeavor, drawing    of both the moon and Mars. Activating the launch
            parallels to NASA’s historic Apollo 11 lunar mission.   control mode – aptly dubbed “Watts to Freedom” by
            This sense of a daring leap fueled the creativity within   GM – unleashes a symphony of power as the system
            the design studio, resulting in playful space-themed   channels its might into a swift 0-60 mph surge in
            surprises woven into the design details of the 2024   approximately 3.5 seconds, courtesy of the dynamic
            GMC Hummer EV SUV Edition 1 – VIN 001 of
            which is selling with No Reserve at Barrett-Jackson’s
            inaugural 2023 New Orleans Auction, September 28-
            30, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.
            Draped in the distinct Moonshot Green Matte exterior
            paint, a bespoke option reserved solely for the SUV
            Edition 1 variant, the 2024 GMC Hummer EV SUV
            stands out with its celestial allure. Inside, the Lunar
            Shadow-themed interior envelops occupants, adorned
            with Tech Bronze accents meticulously reminiscent of
            the iconic Apollo lunar module and the pioneering
            Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). Interestingly, General   three-motor e4WD propulsion system. The trio of
            Motors Defense Research Laboratories played a pivotal   electric motors seamlessly combines to yield an
            role in providing wheels, motors and suspension     estimated 830 horsepower and 11,500 ft/lbs of torque,
            components for NASA’s first LRV on the moon during   an undeniable testament to its prowess.
            the Apollo 15 mission.                              During the transition to Watts to Freedom, interior
            However, incorporating Apollo-inspired elements     visual and audio cues orchestrate a “pre-launch
            within the Hummer EV’s design is not confined to    countdown” sensation. These cues include distinctive
            these aspects alone.                                auditory elements emanating from the speakers and
            Enhancing the auditory experience, the metal speaker   captivating screen animations. As the Hummer EV
            grilles of the Hummer EV’s high-end Bose 14-speaker   readies itself for its thrilling launch, a deliberate two-
            premium sound system feature a unique touch:        inch descent ensues, purposefully lowering its center
            a topographical map of the moon’s famed Sea of      of gravity to enhance stability and performance during
            Tranquility, hallowed ground for the momentous      this electrifying acceleration sequence.
            Apollo 11 lunar landing in July 1969. The design    Expanding the driver’s vista beyond terrestrial confines,
            goes a step further, incorporating a boot-print motif,   the Hummer EV introduces a captivating connection
            paying homage to the indelible footprints Neil      from Earth to the moon through its innovative Infinity
            Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left on the moon. This    Roof. This panoramic feature embraces open-air
            subtle yet profound lunar tribute extends its reach   driving through its modular, translucent Sky Panels,
            to the rubber floor mats and the lining of a pass-  generously affording occupants an unobstructed gaze
            through compartment within the central console,     at the expanse above. At a moment’s notice, these

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